Well, well...
We have just returned from Birmingham after a rather long day yesterday. We filmed the Kuk Sool Won tournament, which was really good. The Master's Exhibition was probably the highlight for all of us! My jaw dropped when I saw one of the Master's doing an absolutely ridiculously awesome flying spin kick to break a board!
As for Birmingham, not a great place. Not a nice place at all. Haha. Some great memories though, like Boz standing in a KFC queue, getting looked up and down by two chav guys (both wearing pink), we all thought he was their next bit of meat!
Then, whilst we were eating, Joel had one of his amazingly exaggerated stories about what the woman would do behind the till to us and I haven't laughed like that for a while. Don't know what came over me! I just couldn't stop. Everyone thought I was dying.
OO OO EE AH OO! You know what I mean Joel! OH GREAT! Now I'm laughing again!
And who could forget the crazy homeless woman by the Pay and Display machine that started to harrass and try to kiss poor Boz as well. By that point, I'd completely lost it and couldn't stop laughing for my life. Thanks Boz for all the great memories of you being harrassed!!
Very sad to say goodbye to Martin though, such a great guy that really made this project worth it for us!
Till next time... homies!