Directed by Gavin Hood
Starring Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber

Wolverine lives a mutant life, seeks revenge against Victor Creed (who will later become Sabertooth) for the death of his girlfriend, and ultimately ends up going through the mutant Weapon X program.
Oh dear. What a shame.
I thought X-Men 1 was great, and X-Men 2 was unbelievable. They had great characters, awesome action, good music, fantastic special effects. All of it. X-Men 3 was not as good. I didn't think it was as bad as many people made it out to be... but still nowhere near as great as the first two.
Now we come to the next installment. A prequel. So many good things could have happened in this film, I've been told lots about the origins of Wolverine - and it sounds awesome. So why wasn't this film very good?
There was just no substance to it. I love action films, and even enjoy guilty pleasures like Transformers. But this just didn't click with me.
It seems to follow a pattern of a bit of talking, then a massive action scene, then more talking which leads to the next action scene. And so on.
Now the action scenes were still pretty incredible, not much to complain about there. But I love most films for their story. All my favourite films are the ones with great narratives.
The main problem, above all others were the amount of characters in this film. In X-Men 3 there were loads too, but they killed loads off. In this one there are loads of characters, that too get killed off... but each has about 2 minutes of screen time. Why would I care about a character dying if I don't know them?
The acting is good from Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber and Danny Huston because they all get screen time. It's difficult to judge the other actors because they never get a moment to shine. I liked Ryan Reynolds - but he's only on screen for about 10 minutes! And I liked Dominic Monaghan - but probably only because I liked him in Lord of the Rings and Lost!
Also, although this doesn't bother me too much (because I never read the comics), I have been informed by a friend of mine that all the origins have changed and isn't faithful to the comic at all.
Like I mentioned though, the action scenes are pretty awesome. And the CG is good. The final fight I did enjoy, though nowhere near as much as Iron Man last year. It's just a shame the story is so thin behind it all.
So as you can guess, I didn't enjoy the film too much. If you love X-Men give it a shot when it comes out on DVD, but save your cinema money for Star Trek... that one looks awesome!
I thought X-Men 1 was great, and X-Men 2 was unbelievable. They had great characters, awesome action, good music, fantastic special effects. All of it. X-Men 3 was not as good. I didn't think it was as bad as many people made it out to be... but still nowhere near as great as the first two.
Now we come to the next installment. A prequel. So many good things could have happened in this film, I've been told lots about the origins of Wolverine - and it sounds awesome. So why wasn't this film very good?
There was just no substance to it. I love action films, and even enjoy guilty pleasures like Transformers. But this just didn't click with me.
It seems to follow a pattern of a bit of talking, then a massive action scene, then more talking which leads to the next action scene. And so on.
Now the action scenes were still pretty incredible, not much to complain about there. But I love most films for their story. All my favourite films are the ones with great narratives.
The main problem, above all others were the amount of characters in this film. In X-Men 3 there were loads too, but they killed loads off. In this one there are loads of characters, that too get killed off... but each has about 2 minutes of screen time. Why would I care about a character dying if I don't know them?
The acting is good from Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber and Danny Huston because they all get screen time. It's difficult to judge the other actors because they never get a moment to shine. I liked Ryan Reynolds - but he's only on screen for about 10 minutes! And I liked Dominic Monaghan - but probably only because I liked him in Lord of the Rings and Lost!
Also, although this doesn't bother me too much (because I never read the comics), I have been informed by a friend of mine that all the origins have changed and isn't faithful to the comic at all.
Like I mentioned though, the action scenes are pretty awesome. And the CG is good. The final fight I did enjoy, though nowhere near as much as Iron Man last year. It's just a shame the story is so thin behind it all.
So as you can guess, I didn't enjoy the film too much. If you love X-Men give it a shot when it comes out on DVD, but save your cinema money for Star Trek... that one looks awesome!
Even though it was ridiculous, and as Boz told me - not like the character at all - I still liked the showdown at end with Weapon XI.
Boooooo! 5 stars is too much!