Directed by David Fincher
Starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett

Tells the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with bizarre consequences.
This weekend, I also finally got to see the Oscar film that I had been really looking forward to - Benjamin Button. I don't know why I wanted to see this one so much. Maybe it was the fantastic effects that I had seen in the trailer. Maybe it was my love for Forrest Gump. Maybe it was word of mouth. Who knows? I've seen it now though... and it didn't disappoint.
The film's tagline reads "Life isn't measured in minutes, but in moments." This is 100% true of Benjamin Button. It is a film that is compromised of moments. Moments in one man's life that are considered to be interesting, and worthy of showing. Much like Forrest Gump. I saw this film very much as the spiritual sequel to Forrest Gump. It's the same writer, and more or else follows the same path. A lot of characters follow similar traits, and you get the same feeling at the end from it. This is no bad thing though, as Forrest Gump was so good.
Anyway, where was I? Let me start with the special effects. Wow. It takes a lot for a film to fool me nowadays. There are not a lot of times where I am truly baffled... but this film did it. The whole opening, where Benjamin Button is an old young boy... how did they do it? It's Brad Pitt in heavy make up, but on a kids body that is extremely disfigured. Watching him walk along is amazing. It never stops though. I tried to work out the point in the film where Brad Pitt was playing his normal age, but I couldn't... because I'd just accepted all the makeup so much. Cate Blanchett's make up is just as good as Brad Pitt's. My girlfriend didn't even recognise Cate Blanchett at one point, because her old make up was so good. When they are both made to look younger at different points in the film, I'm not sure how they did that either. Sometimes you just have to accept a film, and not think about how they made it... its just a difficult thing for me to do.
Secondly, the score. I loved it. I'd heard mixed things... but I really enjoyed it. It seems to have elements of a clock behind it, which works amazingly.
And of course, the acting. It is great. It's not amazing in the way that they are playing eccentric roles or anything... but the two leads have a great chemistry together... and you fully accept them as they pass through time.
The only flaw that has knocked a star off for me was the running time. Though I loved going on Benjamin Button's journey, and meeting all the characters... and all the memorable moments (such a fantastic sea war bit) it did sag a little in the middle. It was mainly in Tilda Swinton's part. I understand why Benjamin having an affair is an important thing to see... I just thought it went on a little too long! I wanted to see where Benjamin was going next all the time!
David Fincher's directing is of course what holds the film together. It takes a stronger director to grasp these films made out of "moments" and glue them into place - and he did it masterfully. His past experience with Pitt really paid off - a great performance came through. And his special effects skills were used here to the max.
So, this is a truly great film. This is the one that I hope wins the Best Picture Oscar later in the month (though I'm a little annoyed that it'll probably lose out to Slumdog Millionaire - which wasn't as good!). Everything is amazing. Nothing is wrong, except a slight pace problem in the middle. I can't wait to see it again, and I know it is a film that I will watch time and time again.
I loved the whole first hour - but this film had a tiny moment that made me fall in love with it. I love tiny moments in films. A few seconds, or a line of dialogue that make you love the film more than you were expecting to. For instance, Ivy finding Lucius stabbed in The Village, or rose petal moment in Perfume. Benjamin Button had one of these moments for me.
There's a point, quite near the beginning of the film (when the kids are both very young), when Daisy sneaks into Benjamin's room. She wakes him, and as he opens his eyes he can't make her out. He has to put on his glasses. He then beams a smile at her saying "OH HI!"
I don't know what it was... but this was a tiny moment of love for me. I think it's the perfect Benjamin Button moment where he has the problems of an old man (bad sight) but the mind of a child (seeing her). I had a grin on my face for the whole scene after that because I loved that tiny moment so much.
There's a point, quite near the beginning of the film (when the kids are both very young), when Daisy sneaks into Benjamin's room. She wakes him, and as he opens his eyes he can't make her out. He has to put on his glasses. He then beams a smile at her saying "OH HI!"
I don't know what it was... but this was a tiny moment of love for me. I think it's the perfect Benjamin Button moment where he has the problems of an old man (bad sight) but the mind of a child (seeing her). I had a grin on my face for the whole scene after that because I loved that tiny moment so much.
Really really good film. It was possibly a little too long and dragged a bit in the middle. Loved it and will definately watch it again! :)