Thursday, 12 February 2009


10. SE7EN (1995)

Directed by David Fincher

Starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman

This film is as great as everyone makes it out to be. I don't think its the most amazing thriller in the world, like some people say... but in terms of sheer atmosphere, this film cannot be beaten.

Hard to choose a moment... I'd say the gluttony murder though... THE FAT GUY!

John Doe: Realize detective, the only reason that I'm here right now is that I wanted to be.
David Mills: No, no, we would have got you eventually.
John Doe: Oh really? So, what were you doing? Biding your time? Toying with me? Allowing five innocent people to die until you felt like springing your trap? Tell me, what was the indisputable evidence you were going to use on me right before I walked up to you and put my hands in the air?

09. DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004)

Directed by Zack Snyder

Starring Sarah Polley and Ving Rhames

I'm going to be honest in saying that I've not cared much for zombie films over the years. With the exception of Shaun of the Dead, I don't find slow zombies that scary or interesting at all. That's why I enjoyed this breath of fresh air when Zack Snyder make the decision to allow zombies to run. This suddenly made them so much more menacing to me. I love this film, it has a great mix of action, drama and comedy... and I don't understand why some people don't like it.

Definately the crazy awesome opening!

Michael: See this?
[shows how the chainsaw goes through the truck walls]
Michael: So if they try to climb on the truck, this will get them off.
Ana: That's probably the most romantic thing anyone's ever shown me.
Michael: I'm trying, Ana.

08. THE VILLAGE (2004)

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Starring Bryce Dallas Howard and Joaquin Phoenix

All I will say is this... if the monsters in this film were real... it would be in my Top 3 Thrillers ever!

When Ivy discovers what Noah has down to her fiancee...

Ivy Walker: We have the magic rocks. They will keep us safe.
[tears well up]
Christop Crane: Why have we not heard of these rocks before?
Ivy Walker: There is nothing to fear.
[on the edge of tears]

07. FIGHT CLUB (1999)

Directed by David Fincher

Starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt

Hard to give this film a genre, but I certainly get thrills out of it... so I put it here. Superb, and very unique film. It's unlike anything else I've seen, and is 100% brilliant in that respect.

So many! I'd say the awesome twist at the end though!

Tyler Durden: The first rule of Fight Club is - you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is - you DO NOT talk about Fight Club. Third rule of Fight Club, someone yells Stop!, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Fourth rule, only two guys to a fight. Fifth rule, one fight at a time, fellas. Sixth rule, no shirt, no shoes. Seventh rule, fights will go on as long as they have to. And the eighth and final rule, if this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.

06. THE SIXTH SENSE (1999)

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Starring Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment

I can remember how terrified I was when I first saw this when I was younger. In terms of shocks and thrills, this film has a whole load. The storyline and acting are both fantastic too though, as well as the music.

Come on... I'll show you where my Dad keeps his gun...

[first lines]
Anna Crowe: It's getting cold.
Malcolm Crowe: That is one fine frame; one fine frame that is. How much...
[he sits down with a grunt]
Malcolm Crowe: ...does a fine frame like that cost, do you think?
Anna Crowe: I never told you, but you sound a little like Dr. Seuss when you're drunk.

05. THE FLY (1986)

Directed by David Cronenberg

Starring Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis

I, probably like many people, wasn't expecting much from this. I was pleasantly surprised though. Not only does it have awesome special effects... the acting is phenomenal. The slow process that Jeff Goldblum's character is going through is interesting, tragic and funny at the same time.

When he first starts showing symptoms of change.

[Brundle sits at a table full of junk food, and explains his altered digestive system to Veronica and her videocamera]
Seth Brundle: How does Brundlefly eat? Well, he found out the hard and painful way that he eats very much the way a fly eats. His teeth are now useless, because although he can chew up solid food, he can't digest them. Solid food hurts. So like a fly, Brundlefly breaks down solids with a corrosive enzyme, playfully called "vomit drop". He regurgitates on his food, it liquifies, and then he sucks it back up. Ready for a demonstration, kids? Here goes...
[cut to Stathis, who is watching the videotape]
Stathis Borans: Oh my God. My God!


Directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackeye Gruber

Starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart

After the credits rolled first time I saw this film... I was blown away. It was such a shocking and hard hitting film. It is a film of moments, some are terrifying to watch... but it kept me captivated all the way through. Plus Ashton Kutcher's acting is awesome in this!

When he wakes up with no arms. What a shock!

Evan: When we were kids, your dad was making a movie about "Robin Hood" or something...
Kayleigh Miller: What do you want to know, Evan?
Evan: Is... Did he... What happened in the basement?
Kayleigh Miller: Look, it was a long time ago. Is that why you came all the way back here? To ask a lot of stupid questions about "Robin Hood"?
Evan: No, I... I just think something really bad might of happened.
Kayleigh Miller: Is there a point to any of this?
Evan: Look... what ever happened, it wasn't our fault, we were kids. I mean, there is nothing that we could do to of deserved or could of done...
Kayleigh Miller: Just shut up, Evan, you're wasting your breath.
Evan: You can't hate yourself because you're dads a twisted freak.
Kayleigh Miller: Who are you trying to convince, Evan? You come all the way back here to stir up my shit just because you have a bad memory? What? Do you want me to just cry on your shoulder and tell you everything’s all better now? Well fuck you, Evan. Nothing's all better, okay? Nothing ever gets better. You know, if I was so wonderful Evan, why didn't you call me? Why did you just leave me here to rot?

03. CLOVERFIELD (2008)

Directed by Matt Reeves

Starring Michael Stahl-David and Jessica Lucas

The most recent film on this list. I always knew from the trailers that I would probably like this film. I wasn't expecting to love it quite so much though. This film is an experience. An experience like no other. I saw this film at the cinema three times because I was so amazed but what I was seeing. It is a truly thrilling, well made and fantastically delivered film that needs to be seen by everyone.

When the gang come in between the monster and the army!

Beth McIntyre: [sees monster] What is that?
Hud: It's a terrible thing.
[while trying to get to a flight of stairs, Rob encounters a parasite and kills it]
Beth McIntyre: Oh my God! What is that?
Hud: I don't know! Something else! Also terrible.


Directed by Tom Twyker

Starring Ben Whishaw and Rachel Hurd-Wood

Not many people have heard of this film, which is a shame. Then again, I get the feeling that this film would be a bit strange for a mainstream crowd. I love every moment of it though. My favourite part of a film is always the storyline, and this one is fantastic. Not only that, but it's amazingly well made with fine acting, unbelievable visuals, creepy sound and brilliant music.

When he finds the girl with the plums... I won't say any more...

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: You want to make this leather smell good, don't you?
Giuseppe Baldini: Why of course, and so it shall.
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: With Amor and Psyche by Pelissier?
Giuseppe Baldini: What ever gave you the absurd idea I would use someone else's perfume?
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: It's all over you.

01. SIGNS (2002)

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Starring Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix

Signs is one of my favourite films of all time. I will never forget the fear I felt first time, second time and third time I saw this film. Its hard to explain a lot of the time. I've never been so scared by an alien walking past a house. What sets this film apart from others is its character development. All the family are interesting to watch, and it is because everything feels so real, that the film is so terrifying. It has a hugely religious undertone which boosts the film even further into a deep, yet scary experience that I don't think has been bettered yet.

The Mexican video tape!

Graham Hess: People break down into two groups. When they experience something lucky, group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that there is someone up there, watching out for them. Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a happy turn of chance. I'm sure the people in group number two are looking at those fourteen lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation is a fifty-fifty. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, they're on their own. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people. But there's a whole lot of people in group number one. When they see those fourteen lights, they're looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever's going to happen, there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope. See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?

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