Directed by Zack Snyder
Starring Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley

When an ex-superhero is murdered, a vigilante named Rorschach begins an investigation into the murder, which begins to lead to a much more terrifying conclusion.
I'll be honest. I was really, really looking forward to this one. After The Dark Knight was out and I'd consumed all the awesomeness from that... my thoughts turned purely to Watchmen. I hadn't read the graphic novel, though had heard nothing but praise. So in September last year... I finally bought the book. I read it. I loved it. It was so deep and different from anything I'd seen before. These were no superheroes!
After that, this year I watched the Complete Watchmen Motion Comic (which I really, really recommend too if you liked the film, or just happened to be interested!), I loved it too. Seeing all the panels come to life with music, voices and motion was wonderful. How could the film live up to it all?
The film could have gone so wrong. Many critics love it. Many critics hate it. A lot of them just don't understand it. I had everything crossed for this film.
I loved it. What a film. It's a film that I couldn't stop grinning at, because I loved every moment so much.
Let me go into a little more detail...
The main things that people are worried about is that the plot may be stretched too thin. I didn't find this. Sure, there were some parts missing, but none at all that made me annoyed they weren't there. Most were just side plots that didn't go anywhere. For instance, Rorsach's psychologist, in the book his home life is affected by his sessions with Rorsach. This isn't in the film, but then again it isn't needed. This is a different medium. The narrative focused on the main characters, and I loved that about it.
The characters are the second thing... they were very well presented too. Every main character has a chance to shine. Each was given a chapter of the graphic novel, and often these are straight on the screen with no personality lost. They are all deep characterisations. Every single character is flawed in some way, which really sets it apart from everything else.
Now to the acting. Great all around once again. Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the Comedian was a hard role to crack as he is playing a despisable character... yet somehow... you still liked him. He brings a real presence to the screen that is great.
Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre. No complaints here. I wouldn't say she was outstanding, but then again she isn't in the book either. She performed her job as well as it could've been. And yes... for anyone wondering... you do see her boobs! Haha!
Matthew Goode as Ozymandias. This was the only one I had a slight problem with. He wasn't bad. It was just his accent. It was a bit all over the place. Sometimes he sounded American, then the next moment... German. A bit odd.
Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl. I loved this role. In many ways he is the true hero of the story... and he carried it out admirably. He is overweight and impotent, but you can't help but like him all the way through. He feels the most human out of everyone.
Billy Crudup as Doctor Manhattan. I love the character of Dr Manhattan. Just what he can do really makes me geek out. Its a very hard role to do though because he shows no emotion. The trick Billy Crudup had to master was to do a good performance without any emotion. I was a big fan of his work in Big Fish, so I had high hopes. I wasn't disappointed. Dr Manhattan was done entirely in CG, which I was very pleased about because a man painted blue would have looked ridiculous. You forget about it though, his CG is done so well and the performance is so good that you believe he is real. So what if he is naked? To be honest, I was so engrossed that I didn't even notice.
Now to the standout... Jackie Earle Haley as Rorsach. What a performance. It can only be compared with Heath Ledger's Joker from last year. A psychopath... that you can't help but love. The acting is so strong underneath that mask that you root for him all the way through. When the mask comes off, you don't want it to go back on because it gets even better. Words can't really describe it. You'll have to see it.
Now, as for the ending, (SPOILERS AHEAD) it;s wide knowledge by now that is has been altered. I'm going to be honest. I didn't really like the squid in the graphic novel. I thought it was just a bit too weird and out there. I far preferred the ending in the film. Don't hate me, it's just my opinion. (SPOILERS END)
The visuals were outstanding. The greatest delight for me was just how close it was to the graphic novel. Panels are literally brought to life through beautiful art direction, flawless CG and terrific sound. Like 300... you're in for a treat on your senses. The music wasn't what I was expecting at all. It's a lot of 80's music that often juxtaposes with the act happening on the screen, but I thought this was a very strong device. Tyler Bates score also got better as the film went on, but wasn't as great as I was hoping.
If I have one nitpick... its just that the age makeup didn't work that well. After seeing Benjamin Button, I now expect better! It doesn't ruin the film, just something I wanted to get off my chest.
One thing to note... if you haven't read the graphic novel and haven't seen the film yet... prepare to open your mind. This film has been marketed as a superhero film but its not at all. This is a deep film about psychology of human behaviour. It is also incredibly shocking. Blood is everywhere. Bones are snapped. Limbs are removed. Children are eaten. And more. Prepare to be stunned... but I loved it all.
So, in conclusion to this very long review... you need to see this film. I loved every moment in it. From the huge scenes, like the prison break, to the small moments, like Walter Kovacs walking past the restaurant window. I noticed this and it gave me huge joy. I love the characters. I love the story. I love the visuals. I loved the experience, and can't wait to see it again!
After that, this year I watched the Complete Watchmen Motion Comic (which I really, really recommend too if you liked the film, or just happened to be interested!), I loved it too. Seeing all the panels come to life with music, voices and motion was wonderful. How could the film live up to it all?
The film could have gone so wrong. Many critics love it. Many critics hate it. A lot of them just don't understand it. I had everything crossed for this film.
I loved it. What a film. It's a film that I couldn't stop grinning at, because I loved every moment so much.
Let me go into a little more detail...
The main things that people are worried about is that the plot may be stretched too thin. I didn't find this. Sure, there were some parts missing, but none at all that made me annoyed they weren't there. Most were just side plots that didn't go anywhere. For instance, Rorsach's psychologist, in the book his home life is affected by his sessions with Rorsach. This isn't in the film, but then again it isn't needed. This is a different medium. The narrative focused on the main characters, and I loved that about it.
The characters are the second thing... they were very well presented too. Every main character has a chance to shine. Each was given a chapter of the graphic novel, and often these are straight on the screen with no personality lost. They are all deep characterisations. Every single character is flawed in some way, which really sets it apart from everything else.
Now to the acting. Great all around once again. Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the Comedian was a hard role to crack as he is playing a despisable character... yet somehow... you still liked him. He brings a real presence to the screen that is great.
Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre. No complaints here. I wouldn't say she was outstanding, but then again she isn't in the book either. She performed her job as well as it could've been. And yes... for anyone wondering... you do see her boobs! Haha!
Matthew Goode as Ozymandias. This was the only one I had a slight problem with. He wasn't bad. It was just his accent. It was a bit all over the place. Sometimes he sounded American, then the next moment... German. A bit odd.
Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl. I loved this role. In many ways he is the true hero of the story... and he carried it out admirably. He is overweight and impotent, but you can't help but like him all the way through. He feels the most human out of everyone.
Billy Crudup as Doctor Manhattan. I love the character of Dr Manhattan. Just what he can do really makes me geek out. Its a very hard role to do though because he shows no emotion. The trick Billy Crudup had to master was to do a good performance without any emotion. I was a big fan of his work in Big Fish, so I had high hopes. I wasn't disappointed. Dr Manhattan was done entirely in CG, which I was very pleased about because a man painted blue would have looked ridiculous. You forget about it though, his CG is done so well and the performance is so good that you believe he is real. So what if he is naked? To be honest, I was so engrossed that I didn't even notice.
Now to the standout... Jackie Earle Haley as Rorsach. What a performance. It can only be compared with Heath Ledger's Joker from last year. A psychopath... that you can't help but love. The acting is so strong underneath that mask that you root for him all the way through. When the mask comes off, you don't want it to go back on because it gets even better. Words can't really describe it. You'll have to see it.
Now, as for the ending, (SPOILERS AHEAD) it;s wide knowledge by now that is has been altered. I'm going to be honest. I didn't really like the squid in the graphic novel. I thought it was just a bit too weird and out there. I far preferred the ending in the film. Don't hate me, it's just my opinion. (SPOILERS END)
The visuals were outstanding. The greatest delight for me was just how close it was to the graphic novel. Panels are literally brought to life through beautiful art direction, flawless CG and terrific sound. Like 300... you're in for a treat on your senses. The music wasn't what I was expecting at all. It's a lot of 80's music that often juxtaposes with the act happening on the screen, but I thought this was a very strong device. Tyler Bates score also got better as the film went on, but wasn't as great as I was hoping.
If I have one nitpick... its just that the age makeup didn't work that well. After seeing Benjamin Button, I now expect better! It doesn't ruin the film, just something I wanted to get off my chest.
One thing to note... if you haven't read the graphic novel and haven't seen the film yet... prepare to open your mind. This film has been marketed as a superhero film but its not at all. This is a deep film about psychology of human behaviour. It is also incredibly shocking. Blood is everywhere. Bones are snapped. Limbs are removed. Children are eaten. And more. Prepare to be stunned... but I loved it all.
So, in conclusion to this very long review... you need to see this film. I loved every moment in it. From the huge scenes, like the prison break, to the small moments, like Walter Kovacs walking past the restaurant window. I noticed this and it gave me huge joy. I love the characters. I love the story. I love the visuals. I loved the experience, and can't wait to see it again!
The origin of Dr Manhattan. My favourite part in the graphic novel... my favourite part in the film.
Its not fair D':
ReplyDeleteWell, here is what I thought!
ReplyDeleteI went along to see this as I had heard lots of people saying it was very good.
I thought it was extreamly violent and i found this hard to watch at times (so closed my eyes!) Generally I really enjoyed the storyline and finding more out about each chracter and the relationships between them but I didn't like the violnce, (although some of it wasn't actually that much worse then the Dark Knight and that was a 12a, i dnt get ratings!)I also thought the soundtrack was really good even though there was a slightly creepy version of 'Hallelujah', however this did fit the scene really well in my opinion.
Overall im glad I saw it but not sure I would watch it again simply because of the violence.
P.s My fave character was Owlman cause he had a bum chin!