Directed by Gabor Csupo
Starring Josh Hutcherson and Anna Sophia Robb
I never expecting this to be in my top 10 family films. But it really is fantastic. I wasn't expecting anything from it at all... and what I got was one of the most engrossing family films I've seen that draws you in then shocks you in a way that you would never had expected! I can't say why... but those who have seen it will know! Plus Zooey Deschanel is in it... which just makes every film so much better!
The twist... god... didn't see that one coming!
Leslie Burke, May Belle Aarons, Little Kids: [chanting] Free the pee! Free the pee! Free the pee!

Directed by Tim Burton
Starring Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder
Family films is a difficult category. I personally think this is the genre that Edward Scissorhands falls into... because at the end of the day... it is a fairytale. And a fantastic one at that! Johnny Depp is amazing as the title role, and the whole thing is controlled by the hand of Tim Burton... along with Danny Elfman's best (and most well known) score! This was the team at their prime, and everyone should have seen it!
The Ice Dance. Mainly because of the music.
Bill: So Edward, did you have a productive day?
Edward: Mrs Monroe showed me where the salon's going to be.
[turns to Peg]
Edward: You could have a cosmetics counter.
Peg Boggs: Oh, wouldn't that be great!
Bill: Great.
Edward: And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off.
[everyone stares, Kevin snickers]

08. MOUSE HUNT (1997)
Directed by Gore Verbinski
Starring Nathan Lane and Lee Evans
I love this film so much. It's slapstick comedy at its absolute best. Lee Evans and Nathan Lane both perform excellently together as the two brothers, and the film is carried along with an incredibly dark sense of humour. It's a film of moments that you'll never forget such as Christopher Walken as the Exterminator... or the rabid cat! There's just too many to list!
There's so many. I'd say where the duo manage to trap themselves in a room full of mouse traps is my favourite though.
Ernie: We're looking for a cat. And preferably with a history of mental illness. I'm talkin' one mean pussy.
Directed by Gore Verbinski
Starring Nathan Lane and Lee Evans
I love this film so much. It's slapstick comedy at its absolute best. Lee Evans and Nathan Lane both perform excellently together as the two brothers, and the film is carried along with an incredibly dark sense of humour. It's a film of moments that you'll never forget such as Christopher Walken as the Exterminator... or the rabid cat! There's just too many to list!
There's so many. I'd say where the duo manage to trap themselves in a room full of mouse traps is my favourite though.
Ernie: We're looking for a cat. And preferably with a history of mental illness. I'm talkin' one mean pussy.

07. MARY POPPINS (1964)
Directed by Robert Stevenson
Starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke
It was a toss up here between Mary Poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. But Mary Poppins will always come out on top! My childhood revolved around this film! I still know every word of all the songs. It's actually a quite sinister film at times, but it's so fantastic that you're drawn into the world and don't leave till the end!
The chimney dance! I still always want to dance along to it!
Mrs. Banks: As a matter of fact, since you hired Mary Poppins, the most extraordinary things seem to have come over the household.
Mr. Banks: Is that so?
Mrs. Banks: Take Ellen, for instance. She hasn't broken a dish all morning.
Mr. Banks: Really. Well, that is extraordinary.
Directed by Robert Stevenson
Starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke
It was a toss up here between Mary Poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. But Mary Poppins will always come out on top! My childhood revolved around this film! I still know every word of all the songs. It's actually a quite sinister film at times, but it's so fantastic that you're drawn into the world and don't leave till the end!
The chimney dance! I still always want to dance along to it!
Mrs. Banks: As a matter of fact, since you hired Mary Poppins, the most extraordinary things seem to have come over the household.
Mr. Banks: Is that so?
Mrs. Banks: Take Ellen, for instance. She hasn't broken a dish all morning.
Mr. Banks: Really. Well, that is extraordinary.
06. FLY AWAY HOME (1996)
Directed by Carroll Ballard
Starring Jeff Daniels and Anna Paquin
I have a real love for this film. I know some people may think it's incredibly stupid, but this is an exceptionally well made film. The acting is amazing. The cinematography is at times absolutely stunning. And it has a terrific score too! It's one of the ultimate feel good films, and I love to watch it from time to time to be taken on a journey with the characters, and always come out with a smile!
When they manage to fly with the geese for the first time!
DNR Officer: Who's the guy at the house?
Amy Alden: It's my Uncle David. He's got a black belt. We call him KILLER!

05. MATILDA (1996)
Directed by Danny DeVito
Starring Mara Wilson and Danny Devito
Matilda has always been a difficult one to judge. It's a near perfect adapation of the Roald Dahl book except for the country in which it was set! If this film had been set in Britian it would have been perfect. It's still an unbelievable film though. All the cast are exceptional, especially Pam Ferris as Mrs Trunchball... who is absolutely terrifying! The music is also top notch! And this film has so many amazing scenes... like Bruce Bogtrotter's cake. Thats the thing, even though its American, the actors all fit so well that it's still amazing.
When they break into Miss Trunchball's house. Now that was a tense scene to watch!
Agatha Trunchbull: I need a car, inexpensive but reliable. Can you service me?
Harry Wormwood: In a manner of speaking, yes. Uh, welcome to Wormwood Motors. Harry Wormwood, owner, founder, whatever.
Agatha Trunchbull: Agatha Trunchbull, principal, Crunchem Hall Elementary School.
Harry Wormwood: Huh.
Agatha Trunchbull: I warn you, sir, I want a tight car, because I run a tight ship.
Harry Wormwood: Oh yeah, huh, well, uh...
Agatha Trunchbull: My school is a model of discipline! Use the rod, beat the child, that's my motto.
Harry Wormwood: Terrific motto!
Agatha Trunchbull: You have brats yourself?
Harry Wormwood: Yeah, I got a boy, Mikey, and one mistake, Matilda.
Agatha Trunchbull: They're all mistakes, children! Filthy, nasty things. Glad I never was one.

04. LABYRINTH (1986)
Directed by Jim Henson
Starring Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie
It was a difficult decision between this and The Dark Crystal. This is by far the better film though. This is a masterpiece of puppet filmmaking. They really do blend it seamlessly because it is all executed so well. It also introduced Jennifer Connelly, and David Bowie was an amazing villain. Like I said with Mouse Hunt earlier... it is a film of moments that you will remember for a long time!
The Magic Dance!
The Worm: 'Allo.
Sarah: Did you say... hello?
The Worm: No, I said "'allo," but that's close enough.
Sarah: Oh... you're a worm, aren't you?
The Worm: Yeah, that's right.
Sarah: You don't by any chance know the way through this labyrinth, do you?
The Worm: Who, me? No, I'm just a worm. Say, come inside, and meet the missus.

Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd
Everyone knows of the Back to the Future Trilogy! Because its so awesome! It made time travel into an adventure that didn't involve dinosaurs for once! The Doc is one of the best characters in film history though... every thing he says could be used as a quote! I couldn't decide which one to choose, as I love them all! Each feels very unique, though all are clearly from the same storyline... a good sign of a great trilogy! WE MUST GO BACK TO THE FUTURE MARTY!!!
I can't decide!!! From the first film it would be the awesome finale! From the second film it'd be the hoverboard chase! And in the third film it would be when the Doc is drunk!
Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc, are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.
Marty McFly: Whoa, this is heavy.
Dr. Emmett Brown: There's that word again; "heavy". Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?

02. HOOK (1991)
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Starring Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman
This was so so so close to Number one. For a while it was, but I can't help but love Number one that little bit more. Don't get me wrong though. This is one of my favourite films of all time. It's just perfect. The actors are perfect in their roles. The music is perfect. Everything looks so colourful. I think its the best adaptation of Peter Pan. Many people hate it, and I hate them for hating it. If you don't like Hook... consider yourself my enemy.
When Peter flies again for the first time!
Captain James Hook: No stopping me this time, Smee. This is it. Don't make a move Smee, not a step. My finger's on the trigger. Don't try to stop me, Smee.
Smee: Oh, not again.
Captain James Hook: This is it. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't you dare try to stop me this time, Smee, try to stop me. Smee, you'd better get up off your ass. Get over here, Smee!
Smee: I'm coming. I'm coming.
Captain James Hook: Stop me! This is not a joke! I'm committing suicide!
[Smee makes the gun go off which aims at the toy ship in the pool model]
Captain James Hook: Don't ever frighten me like that again.
Smee: I'm sorry.
Captain James Hook: What are you? Some kind of a sadist?
Smee: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How do you feel now?
Captain James Hook: I want to die.
Smee: [kisses him] Oh, now, now.
Captain James Hook: There's no adventure here.
Smee: [hold out Hook's gun] You call this no adventure?
Captain James Hook: Death is the only adventure I have left, Smee.

01. STAR WARS SAGA (1977 - 2005)
Original Trilogy : Directed by George Lucas and Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand
Original Trilogy : Starring Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford
New Trilogy : Directed by George Lucas
New Trilogy : Starring Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christenssen
It had to be Number one. Some people may think Star Wars is an action film... or an adventure film. But George Lucas has always said that he designed it as a family film, and I for one always saw them with my family. What can I say? The original trilogy is possibly the greatest film trilogy of all time (except Lord of the Rings for me). The sense of adventure you get from them is second to none. I openly admit to liking the new trilogy as well though. Even though the first one isn't great... I love the other two. I think Ewan McGregor is exceptional throughout, really binding the films together. I had to put the whole saga down because that is the best way to view Star Wars. Last year my house mates and I sat down and watched all six. It was an amazing experience that we all loved. And for the reason of Star Wars bringing so much joy to me after all the times I've seen it... it has crept into Number One!
Star Wars Episode 1: The Duel of the Fates
Star Wars Episode 2: Anakin Finds his Mother
Star Wars Episode 3: Order 66
Star Wars Episode 4: The Death Star Trench Run
Star Wars Episode 5: The Final Lightsaber Duel
Star Wars Episode 6: The Opening on Tatooine
Princess Leia: Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder.
Han Solo: Who's scruffy-looking?

Directed by Carroll Ballard
Starring Jeff Daniels and Anna Paquin
I have a real love for this film. I know some people may think it's incredibly stupid, but this is an exceptionally well made film. The acting is amazing. The cinematography is at times absolutely stunning. And it has a terrific score too! It's one of the ultimate feel good films, and I love to watch it from time to time to be taken on a journey with the characters, and always come out with a smile!
When they manage to fly with the geese for the first time!
DNR Officer: Who's the guy at the house?
Amy Alden: It's my Uncle David. He's got a black belt. We call him KILLER!

05. MATILDA (1996)
Directed by Danny DeVito
Starring Mara Wilson and Danny Devito
Matilda has always been a difficult one to judge. It's a near perfect adapation of the Roald Dahl book except for the country in which it was set! If this film had been set in Britian it would have been perfect. It's still an unbelievable film though. All the cast are exceptional, especially Pam Ferris as Mrs Trunchball... who is absolutely terrifying! The music is also top notch! And this film has so many amazing scenes... like Bruce Bogtrotter's cake. Thats the thing, even though its American, the actors all fit so well that it's still amazing.
When they break into Miss Trunchball's house. Now that was a tense scene to watch!
Agatha Trunchbull: I need a car, inexpensive but reliable. Can you service me?
Harry Wormwood: In a manner of speaking, yes. Uh, welcome to Wormwood Motors. Harry Wormwood, owner, founder, whatever.
Agatha Trunchbull: Agatha Trunchbull, principal, Crunchem Hall Elementary School.
Harry Wormwood: Huh.
Agatha Trunchbull: I warn you, sir, I want a tight car, because I run a tight ship.
Harry Wormwood: Oh yeah, huh, well, uh...
Agatha Trunchbull: My school is a model of discipline! Use the rod, beat the child, that's my motto.
Harry Wormwood: Terrific motto!
Agatha Trunchbull: You have brats yourself?
Harry Wormwood: Yeah, I got a boy, Mikey, and one mistake, Matilda.
Agatha Trunchbull: They're all mistakes, children! Filthy, nasty things. Glad I never was one.

04. LABYRINTH (1986)
Directed by Jim Henson
Starring Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie
It was a difficult decision between this and The Dark Crystal. This is by far the better film though. This is a masterpiece of puppet filmmaking. They really do blend it seamlessly because it is all executed so well. It also introduced Jennifer Connelly, and David Bowie was an amazing villain. Like I said with Mouse Hunt earlier... it is a film of moments that you will remember for a long time!
The Magic Dance!
The Worm: 'Allo.
Sarah: Did you say... hello?
The Worm: No, I said "'allo," but that's close enough.
Sarah: Oh... you're a worm, aren't you?
The Worm: Yeah, that's right.
Sarah: You don't by any chance know the way through this labyrinth, do you?
The Worm: Who, me? No, I'm just a worm. Say, come inside, and meet the missus.

Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd
Everyone knows of the Back to the Future Trilogy! Because its so awesome! It made time travel into an adventure that didn't involve dinosaurs for once! The Doc is one of the best characters in film history though... every thing he says could be used as a quote! I couldn't decide which one to choose, as I love them all! Each feels very unique, though all are clearly from the same storyline... a good sign of a great trilogy! WE MUST GO BACK TO THE FUTURE MARTY!!!
I can't decide!!! From the first film it would be the awesome finale! From the second film it'd be the hoverboard chase! And in the third film it would be when the Doc is drunk!
Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc, are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.
Marty McFly: Whoa, this is heavy.
Dr. Emmett Brown: There's that word again; "heavy". Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?
02. HOOK (1991)
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Starring Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman
This was so so so close to Number one. For a while it was, but I can't help but love Number one that little bit more. Don't get me wrong though. This is one of my favourite films of all time. It's just perfect. The actors are perfect in their roles. The music is perfect. Everything looks so colourful. I think its the best adaptation of Peter Pan. Many people hate it, and I hate them for hating it. If you don't like Hook... consider yourself my enemy.
When Peter flies again for the first time!
Captain James Hook: No stopping me this time, Smee. This is it. Don't make a move Smee, not a step. My finger's on the trigger. Don't try to stop me, Smee.
Smee: Oh, not again.
Captain James Hook: This is it. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't you dare try to stop me this time, Smee, try to stop me. Smee, you'd better get up off your ass. Get over here, Smee!
Smee: I'm coming. I'm coming.
Captain James Hook: Stop me! This is not a joke! I'm committing suicide!
[Smee makes the gun go off which aims at the toy ship in the pool model]
Captain James Hook: Don't ever frighten me like that again.
Smee: I'm sorry.
Captain James Hook: What are you? Some kind of a sadist?
Smee: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How do you feel now?
Captain James Hook: I want to die.
Smee: [kisses him] Oh, now, now.
Captain James Hook: There's no adventure here.
Smee: [hold out Hook's gun] You call this no adventure?
Captain James Hook: Death is the only adventure I have left, Smee.

01. STAR WARS SAGA (1977 - 2005)
Original Trilogy : Directed by George Lucas and Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand
Original Trilogy : Starring Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford
New Trilogy : Directed by George Lucas
New Trilogy : Starring Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christenssen
It had to be Number one. Some people may think Star Wars is an action film... or an adventure film. But George Lucas has always said that he designed it as a family film, and I for one always saw them with my family. What can I say? The original trilogy is possibly the greatest film trilogy of all time (except Lord of the Rings for me). The sense of adventure you get from them is second to none. I openly admit to liking the new trilogy as well though. Even though the first one isn't great... I love the other two. I think Ewan McGregor is exceptional throughout, really binding the films together. I had to put the whole saga down because that is the best way to view Star Wars. Last year my house mates and I sat down and watched all six. It was an amazing experience that we all loved. And for the reason of Star Wars bringing so much joy to me after all the times I've seen it... it has crept into Number One!
Star Wars Episode 1: The Duel of the Fates
Star Wars Episode 2: Anakin Finds his Mother
Star Wars Episode 3: Order 66
Star Wars Episode 4: The Death Star Trench Run
Star Wars Episode 5: The Final Lightsaber Duel
Star Wars Episode 6: The Opening on Tatooine
Princess Leia: Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder.
Han Solo: Who's scruffy-looking?

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