Tuesday, 27 January 2009

MOVIE REVIEW : The Day the Earth Stood Still


Directed by Scott Derrikson
Starring Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly


A remake of the 1951 classic sci-fi film about an alien visitor and his giant robot counterpart who visit Earth.


I'd heard bad things about this film. I thought the trailers looked pretty awesome though, and had heard from a friend that it was worth watching... so I did.

I don't know why this movie is getting such negative reactions. I'll admit the film is not groundbreaking in anyway, via plot or CG or whatever. But it did keep me entertained through its entire length, which is all I ask of a film.

In my previous review of Defiance... I spoke about how the film was too slow, and boring in parts. This film was the exact opposite. The film starts off on a run, and doesn't really stop till the end. I did enjoy the plot, especially the character of Klaatu (Keanu Reeves).

The acting was what you'd expect. Keanu Reeves fit the role perfectly because of his wooden performance. As is the case with some of his films, this is what he does best. Jennifer Connelly is great as always, and still hot as ever. Jaden Smith wasn't amazing, mainly because he played such an annoying role. John Cleese however was seriously underused!!!

Still, I enjoyed this film and can recommend it to sci-fi fans. I haven't seen the original, so I can't compare... but the plot was good, the CG did it's job... and I had a good time.


The rocket powered start.



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