Directed by Marc Webb
Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel
An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman (Deschanel) who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man (Gordon-Levitt) who falls for her.
I'm not going to do a conventional movie review for this one. I'll tell you now, that is is absolutely my favourite film of the year. I can tell that I'm going to see it again and again and again and still love it. I've already seen it three times at the cinema, and each time I see a little bit more, and peel back some more of its layers.
Like I said, this movie review is going to be different. I'm going to give you 20 reasons why I believe this is the best film of the year by far. There may be some spoilers, but I will warn you if there are.
For those of you that don't like universal praise for a single film, don't read this review, as I don't say whats wrong... I just tell you what I loved about it.
Let's begin...
I've seen this actor in things before, but never really starring in anything enough to catch my eye. Let me say that he is definately in my good books now. He gives an absolutely sterling performance here. You follow his journey from beginning to end and really want him to win. A fantastic performance that can pull off comedy, drama and more with sheer excellence.

A simple scene in which boyfriend and girlfriend both sit in the park and play bogeys always makes me smile. The game of bogeys for anyone that doesn't know, is you say the word "Bogeys", and then your friend has to say it louder, then you, then them. It increases till you both end up shouting it. The fact that they changed the word to "penis" and there are kids around is fantastic, and always makes me laugh. It's also a great scene to show a realistic relationship of two people just having fun together.

I love brave endings in films. Whether it's a twist or it just defies expectations, there is nothing better to leave a film with than knowing what a great job the film did at wrapping itself up. (HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOW!) What's so good about this film is that he doesn't get the girl, but it's worth than that... she has got married to another man. It really makes you hate the character of Summer, but at the same time, when she justifies it... you kind of believe her... but you don't want to. I've had discussions with lots of people on why this ending is great, and the many meanings it may have. And that's the best way a film can end. By surprising you, right to the finish. (SPOILERS END!)

There are points in this film where silence is used perfectly. You don't always have to say, or show what you want. Silence says it all. There are a few of these in romantic scenes where they spend the day in bed together and some others spread out throughout the film. I like silence being used in this way, and it was used very well in this film.

A narrator can split people. Some people love having a narrator to drive the story, others think its an awful device. I'm kinda 50-50 on this, but I think it was used in all the right ways in this film. Just look at the opening scene, it used to build the characters perfectly and is used as a great story device.

First kisses can often be done very well in films. I don't like really cheesy ones (for instance in slow motion in the rain). What was great about Summer and Tom's first kiss is that it came out of nowhere, meaning the audience was just as surprised as Tom... and also humour is built into it, giving the kiss an extra layer for the audience. A great first kiss.

This is very much a drama film over a comedy, but there are many moments of humour that are just fantastic. What I like is that they aren't too in your face like most American comedies, and that most of them are subtle reactions or awkward situations. Take for instance when Tom's friend is on the karaoke... it could've been so over the top that it wasn't even funny, but it actually captures the essence of how awkward it can be if your friend is horrendously drunk, and always says what you don't want them to. This is of course just one example and the film is full of them. Don't go in expecting a comedy, just go in ready to smile.

My girlfriend knows quite clearly that Zooey Deschanel is the actress that I love the most. I've had a massive crush on her for ages. She may not be the "hottest" actress on the block, but she has so many qualities that you can't help but like her in everything. I've liked her since she came onto the scene in Elf... and my lust for her in more roles is ever growing.
Anyway, in this film she took me on a journey. The director really makes it so that you fall in love with her character just as Tom does, and then smashes your heart as she smashes his. Excellent acting because of really being believable and therefore heartbreaking. She really knocks this one out of the park in terms of her acting ability.

Most people wouldn't notice the editing in a film like this, but I studied it quite well on my second and third viewing. This is mainly because of my wanting to be an Editor as a career, but its really impressive. From the opening montage to the last awkward conversation, the editing really focuses on the emotions of Tom. There are some truly excellent scenes editing wise, but I will get onto those later in the list.

There are many different scenes within a cinema with (500) Days of Summer. I can tell this is a director that really loves cinema. (MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW!) It is most obvious when Tom falls asleep in one film and dreams of some very old black and white films. These aren't classics like Casablanca though, they are the very strange foreign films. The best thing is that I have seen many films like these, and the spoof does them perfect justice. The "suffering" sketch has to be the best one. I can see these references going over most peoples heads, but for film students like myself... this scene was absolute gold. (SPOILERS END!)

At first glance, many people will assume that this is a conventional rom-com. Even if you put the film in the right order, it still would be different from everything else. This is because the storyline doesn't just focus on the good times like most rom-coms do... it shows what a rocky rollercoaster relationships can be. It kept me absolutely enthralled all the way through, and I never wanted it to end.

I've already praised both Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel's performances in this film, but this would be nothing if they didn't work together. This is one thing the film at excels at though, because the two of them give a pitch perfect performance of a couple. I read an interview with Joseph Gordon-Levitt saying that he did fall a bit in love with Zooey over the performance, and that its hard not to. (SPOILERS FOLLOW!) I think you can really tell this because his chemistry for wanting Summer so bad really comes across, and when she leaves him - he genuinely looks absolutely crushed. The chemistry is fantastic between them, and it really makes the film. (SPOILERS END!)

There's something so perfect about Tom's reaction after he has sex with Summer for the first time. (SPOILERS FOLLOW!) In this scene as he is walking to work, he sees the world in a whole new light. This is portrayed by everyone being super nice to him, and it actually results in everyone dancing. As I'm writing this, it sounds absolutely ridiculous... but in the film it is incredible. Probably the most I have grinned in a film for a few years! They even have animation! And Han Solo! Could this scene be any more awesome? (SPOILERS END!)

I've spoken already about the storyline, and the chemistry.. but not what it adds up to. I always describe this film to people that haven't seen it as an emotional rollercoaster. (HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOW!) At one point in the film (I'm gonna say the previous dancing scene) you feel an absolute rush of joy and yet at another point (when he sees that she is engaged), you feel like you have hit rock bottom. First time I saw the film... I just couldn't believe she was getting married to someone else, I felt betrayed... just like Tom did. I felt like I had been cheated. But I had been so happy at another point in the film, just like Tom. I don't know if a film has made me feel this range of emotions so violently before, and its what keeps drawing me back for more. (SPOILERS END!)

Really, the reason the film works so well is because of its perfect, and original direction from Marc Webb. One of my favourite things that the film does is its use of random moments that appear out of nowhere and don't really have any connection to the story. What they do is show you where the characters are emotionally. (MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW!) One point is where Tom admits his love of Summer to a friend, but doing this it cuts to Tom standing in a room just talking the camera. In any other film this would've just been too weird, but it works fantastically in (500) Days of Summer. I also love how Tom describes his favourite features of Summer at one point in the film, and then later on the same sequence plays but he describes how he hates all that stuff. Its brilliant and really shows the characters emotions. There are a few of these crazy moments spread throughout, and they were always some of my favourites. (SPOILERS END!)

As well as being brilliantly directed, it is expertly written too. One of the writers has since stated (even though it was fairly obvious already) that it is based on a real relationship he had with a girl. That isn't what I'm talking about though, thats all storyline. What I want to say here is how excellent the actual dialogue is. The scene I think of immediately is when Tom and Summer both discuss early in the film their different views on love. This is a fantastically written conversation that provides valid points for both arguments. I hope these writers do something else, because they are really good at what they do.

I'm pretty sure this is my girlfriends favourite scene in the whole film, but for me its the second best. Its still amazing though, and extremely original. (MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW!) It just follows the two characters, who are just starting to fall in love, as they pretend to be a married couple within an Ikea store. The music and humour drives this scene so well that it seems to be over in a heart beat. It starts well and gets better and better, and has a hilarious finish. Thats why its so hard when later in the film you see Tom trying to mess around again, but Summer just walks off. Bitch. (SPOILERS END!)

I've spoken about the overall editing, but the best thing has got to be the way in which everything is out of place and doesn't take place in the right order. This can go so wrong if done poorly, and completely confuse the audience. However due to a guide showing what day it is out of 500, and the narrator, you never ever feel lost within the timeline. This method of storytelling actually strengthens the film by giving the audience something to look forward to, on how it is going to fold out and how the characters are going to get to certain point that the film flashed to earlier. (SPOILERS FOLLOW!) How many people assumed it would have a happy ending because the first shot is the ending of them holding hands? Only to have you see it in a completely different light when you reach that point in the film. (SPOILERS END!)
It's utterly brilliant and makes the film very, very rewatchable.

Everyone that has seen this film comments on how excellent the soundtrack is. It's definately the best I've heard since Garden State. It often fits so well that you wonder if the director chose the music and then the scene or the other way around? Its a great mix of pop, rock and romantic songs that help take you on this emotional journey. I know that I haven't stopped listening to it since I listened to it for the first time and that Sweet Disposition is quickly on track to becoming my most listened to track of the year.
Not only that but the actual score is excellent. It infuriates me that it isn't on the disc, and I am really, really hoping that it gets a seperate release soon.

Well, this is it... my number one reason why this is the best film of the year. Words cannot describe how much I love this scene. Its completely original and I had never seen anything like it in a film before. The editing is amazingly brilliant from the way it keeps subtley cutting between the two split screens allowing you to focus on them both. I can't stop watching this scene because it is so cleverly put together. I want to shake the director's hand just for this scene. (HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOW!) When Tom sees that ring on her finger, and the split screen suddenly goes as his expectations are smashed by the reality of the situation... well... it just couldn't of been done any better. And then the way he runs outside and everything turns to pencil drawing and he is slowly erased. God its just perfect. (SPOILERS END!)
The most original single scene I have seen in years and absolutely the best thing about this whole, excellent movie.

So there you have it. That's 20 reasons why I believe (500) Days of Summer is the best film this year. I very much doubt anything will beat it in my eyes at this point. I know some of you don't like it, and that it is an acquired taste. But I couldn't care less, because I absolutely love it.
Thank you if you read the whole mega review, and I will blog again soon! Bye for now!
Directed by Marc Webb
Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel
An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman (Deschanel) who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man (Gordon-Levitt) who falls for her.
I'm not going to do a conventional movie review for this one. I'll tell you now, that is is absolutely my favourite film of the year. I can tell that I'm going to see it again and again and again and still love it. I've already seen it three times at the cinema, and each time I see a little bit more, and peel back some more of its layers.
Like I said, this movie review is going to be different. I'm going to give you 20 reasons why I believe this is the best film of the year by far. There may be some spoilers, but I will warn you if there are.
For those of you that don't like universal praise for a single film, don't read this review, as I don't say whats wrong... I just tell you what I loved about it.
Let's begin...
I've seen this actor in things before, but never really starring in anything enough to catch my eye. Let me say that he is definately in my good books now. He gives an absolutely sterling performance here. You follow his journey from beginning to end and really want him to win. A fantastic performance that can pull off comedy, drama and more with sheer excellence.
A simple scene in which boyfriend and girlfriend both sit in the park and play bogeys always makes me smile. The game of bogeys for anyone that doesn't know, is you say the word "Bogeys", and then your friend has to say it louder, then you, then them. It increases till you both end up shouting it. The fact that they changed the word to "penis" and there are kids around is fantastic, and always makes me laugh. It's also a great scene to show a realistic relationship of two people just having fun together.
I love brave endings in films. Whether it's a twist or it just defies expectations, there is nothing better to leave a film with than knowing what a great job the film did at wrapping itself up. (HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOW!) What's so good about this film is that he doesn't get the girl, but it's worth than that... she has got married to another man. It really makes you hate the character of Summer, but at the same time, when she justifies it... you kind of believe her... but you don't want to. I've had discussions with lots of people on why this ending is great, and the many meanings it may have. And that's the best way a film can end. By surprising you, right to the finish. (SPOILERS END!)
There are points in this film where silence is used perfectly. You don't always have to say, or show what you want. Silence says it all. There are a few of these in romantic scenes where they spend the day in bed together and some others spread out throughout the film. I like silence being used in this way, and it was used very well in this film.
A narrator can split people. Some people love having a narrator to drive the story, others think its an awful device. I'm kinda 50-50 on this, but I think it was used in all the right ways in this film. Just look at the opening scene, it used to build the characters perfectly and is used as a great story device.
First kisses can often be done very well in films. I don't like really cheesy ones (for instance in slow motion in the rain). What was great about Summer and Tom's first kiss is that it came out of nowhere, meaning the audience was just as surprised as Tom... and also humour is built into it, giving the kiss an extra layer for the audience. A great first kiss.

This is very much a drama film over a comedy, but there are many moments of humour that are just fantastic. What I like is that they aren't too in your face like most American comedies, and that most of them are subtle reactions or awkward situations. Take for instance when Tom's friend is on the karaoke... it could've been so over the top that it wasn't even funny, but it actually captures the essence of how awkward it can be if your friend is horrendously drunk, and always says what you don't want them to. This is of course just one example and the film is full of them. Don't go in expecting a comedy, just go in ready to smile.

My girlfriend knows quite clearly that Zooey Deschanel is the actress that I love the most. I've had a massive crush on her for ages. She may not be the "hottest" actress on the block, but she has so many qualities that you can't help but like her in everything. I've liked her since she came onto the scene in Elf... and my lust for her in more roles is ever growing.
Anyway, in this film she took me on a journey. The director really makes it so that you fall in love with her character just as Tom does, and then smashes your heart as she smashes his. Excellent acting because of really being believable and therefore heartbreaking. She really knocks this one out of the park in terms of her acting ability.
Most people wouldn't notice the editing in a film like this, but I studied it quite well on my second and third viewing. This is mainly because of my wanting to be an Editor as a career, but its really impressive. From the opening montage to the last awkward conversation, the editing really focuses on the emotions of Tom. There are some truly excellent scenes editing wise, but I will get onto those later in the list.
There are many different scenes within a cinema with (500) Days of Summer. I can tell this is a director that really loves cinema. (MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW!) It is most obvious when Tom falls asleep in one film and dreams of some very old black and white films. These aren't classics like Casablanca though, they are the very strange foreign films. The best thing is that I have seen many films like these, and the spoof does them perfect justice. The "suffering" sketch has to be the best one. I can see these references going over most peoples heads, but for film students like myself... this scene was absolute gold. (SPOILERS END!)

At first glance, many people will assume that this is a conventional rom-com. Even if you put the film in the right order, it still would be different from everything else. This is because the storyline doesn't just focus on the good times like most rom-coms do... it shows what a rocky rollercoaster relationships can be. It kept me absolutely enthralled all the way through, and I never wanted it to end.
I've already praised both Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel's performances in this film, but this would be nothing if they didn't work together. This is one thing the film at excels at though, because the two of them give a pitch perfect performance of a couple. I read an interview with Joseph Gordon-Levitt saying that he did fall a bit in love with Zooey over the performance, and that its hard not to. (SPOILERS FOLLOW!) I think you can really tell this because his chemistry for wanting Summer so bad really comes across, and when she leaves him - he genuinely looks absolutely crushed. The chemistry is fantastic between them, and it really makes the film. (SPOILERS END!)
There's something so perfect about Tom's reaction after he has sex with Summer for the first time. (SPOILERS FOLLOW!) In this scene as he is walking to work, he sees the world in a whole new light. This is portrayed by everyone being super nice to him, and it actually results in everyone dancing. As I'm writing this, it sounds absolutely ridiculous... but in the film it is incredible. Probably the most I have grinned in a film for a few years! They even have animation! And Han Solo! Could this scene be any more awesome? (SPOILERS END!)
I've spoken already about the storyline, and the chemistry.. but not what it adds up to. I always describe this film to people that haven't seen it as an emotional rollercoaster. (HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOW!) At one point in the film (I'm gonna say the previous dancing scene) you feel an absolute rush of joy and yet at another point (when he sees that she is engaged), you feel like you have hit rock bottom. First time I saw the film... I just couldn't believe she was getting married to someone else, I felt betrayed... just like Tom did. I felt like I had been cheated. But I had been so happy at another point in the film, just like Tom. I don't know if a film has made me feel this range of emotions so violently before, and its what keeps drawing me back for more. (SPOILERS END!)

Really, the reason the film works so well is because of its perfect, and original direction from Marc Webb. One of my favourite things that the film does is its use of random moments that appear out of nowhere and don't really have any connection to the story. What they do is show you where the characters are emotionally. (MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW!) One point is where Tom admits his love of Summer to a friend, but doing this it cuts to Tom standing in a room just talking the camera. In any other film this would've just been too weird, but it works fantastically in (500) Days of Summer. I also love how Tom describes his favourite features of Summer at one point in the film, and then later on the same sequence plays but he describes how he hates all that stuff. Its brilliant and really shows the characters emotions. There are a few of these crazy moments spread throughout, and they were always some of my favourites. (SPOILERS END!)

As well as being brilliantly directed, it is expertly written too. One of the writers has since stated (even though it was fairly obvious already) that it is based on a real relationship he had with a girl. That isn't what I'm talking about though, thats all storyline. What I want to say here is how excellent the actual dialogue is. The scene I think of immediately is when Tom and Summer both discuss early in the film their different views on love. This is a fantastically written conversation that provides valid points for both arguments. I hope these writers do something else, because they are really good at what they do.
I'm pretty sure this is my girlfriends favourite scene in the whole film, but for me its the second best. Its still amazing though, and extremely original. (MILD SPOILERS FOLLOW!) It just follows the two characters, who are just starting to fall in love, as they pretend to be a married couple within an Ikea store. The music and humour drives this scene so well that it seems to be over in a heart beat. It starts well and gets better and better, and has a hilarious finish. Thats why its so hard when later in the film you see Tom trying to mess around again, but Summer just walks off. Bitch. (SPOILERS END!)

I've spoken about the overall editing, but the best thing has got to be the way in which everything is out of place and doesn't take place in the right order. This can go so wrong if done poorly, and completely confuse the audience. However due to a guide showing what day it is out of 500, and the narrator, you never ever feel lost within the timeline. This method of storytelling actually strengthens the film by giving the audience something to look forward to, on how it is going to fold out and how the characters are going to get to certain point that the film flashed to earlier. (SPOILERS FOLLOW!) How many people assumed it would have a happy ending because the first shot is the ending of them holding hands? Only to have you see it in a completely different light when you reach that point in the film. (SPOILERS END!)
It's utterly brilliant and makes the film very, very rewatchable.

Everyone that has seen this film comments on how excellent the soundtrack is. It's definately the best I've heard since Garden State. It often fits so well that you wonder if the director chose the music and then the scene or the other way around? Its a great mix of pop, rock and romantic songs that help take you on this emotional journey. I know that I haven't stopped listening to it since I listened to it for the first time and that Sweet Disposition is quickly on track to becoming my most listened to track of the year.
Not only that but the actual score is excellent. It infuriates me that it isn't on the disc, and I am really, really hoping that it gets a seperate release soon.
Well, this is it... my number one reason why this is the best film of the year. Words cannot describe how much I love this scene. Its completely original and I had never seen anything like it in a film before. The editing is amazingly brilliant from the way it keeps subtley cutting between the two split screens allowing you to focus on them both. I can't stop watching this scene because it is so cleverly put together. I want to shake the director's hand just for this scene. (HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOW!) When Tom sees that ring on her finger, and the split screen suddenly goes as his expectations are smashed by the reality of the situation... well... it just couldn't of been done any better. And then the way he runs outside and everything turns to pencil drawing and he is slowly erased. God its just perfect. (SPOILERS END!)
The most original single scene I have seen in years and absolutely the best thing about this whole, excellent movie.

So there you have it. That's 20 reasons why I believe (500) Days of Summer is the best film this year. I very much doubt anything will beat it in my eyes at this point. I know some of you don't like it, and that it is an acquired taste. But I couldn't care less, because I absolutely love it.
Thank you if you read the whole mega review, and I will blog again soon! Bye for now!
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