The entire throne room began to wobble. What idiot had chosen to make an entire building out of video tapes? The force of Michaedeer hitting the third left pillar had been the final blow to this foundation. Joel had nearly done it earlier with the battle axe, but it seemed it needed one more push. And that was exactly what it had got. Video tapes began to fall from the ceiling. The pillar started to slide.
Michaedeer stood up, looking quite dazed from the huge crash. Little Bozling was lying about 10 feet away from her. He had been thrown from her back with the impact. The guards that surrounded Joel began to panic looking at the room around them and began to break formation.
“We need to go!” Joel shouted to Michaedeer and Little Bozling.
“Alright… I’m coming…” Michaedeer said, as he stumbled towards him.
Little Bozling also stood up and began to prance over. Suddenly a video tape hit him on the head. He looked up. The whole ceiling was beginning to crack. Video tapes began to rain down. This put a bit more of a pace in his step. He ran up to Joel and Michaedeer. The guards surrounding him were starting to flee.
Just as he said this, the pillar that had been knocked, fell. It slid across to the left and smashed into the video tape pillar next to it. It exploded. Joel had never seen such destruction. The pillar that it had hit, and started to slide across too, lurching towards the next one. Joel could see where this was going.
“COME ON GUYS!” he shouted, over the huge noise of the room breaking, “WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!”
Joel began to run, the other two followed him. “Look what you did Michaedeer!” yelled out Little Bozling.
“It’s not my fault!” she shouted back to him.
As they were about to leave the room, Joel looked back one last time. The other pillar had just smashed into the next one. More tapes exploded around the room. He watched as the remains of his former lecturer, King Andy Small was covered by the thing that he loved so much, and was never seen again. Joel watched as guards ran around the throne room, panicking, looking almost like ants. Some were hit before they could escape and knocked out cold. There was one guard that Joel watched that was heading for the door, but a falling video tape hit his leg. The guard fell to his knees. The last thing Joel saw was the man screaming, and then being crushed by another falling pillar. This was madness.
“Okay! Let’s go!” Joel cried out again.
The three of them ran through the corridor, as fast as they could. They tried not to become split up, but it was difficult because there were so many guards fleeing as well. The scene was chaos. Utter panic was everywhere.
Joel couldn’t help feeling slightly proud though, that not only had he defeated Andy Small, he also had assisted in bringing down the entire Castle W02. Then he remembered.
“MARTIN!” shouted Joel, grinding to a stop.
The other two stopped as well, “Who?” Little Bozling asked.
“Martin Ducker! The man that helped me! In my jail cell!”
Michaedeer then remembered. A man had indeed guided them when they were in a rush looking for Joel. But was he that important? They didn’t have much time!
“I’m going to get him!” Joel cried, running off again in another direction. Michaedeer rolled her eyes then followed. Little Bozling then followed her. The three of them burst into the dungeon. The entire castle was shaking, falling down all around. Martin was stood in the cell still.
“Joel! You won!” he cried, “How did you do it?”
“I chopped his face in half with a battle axe,” Joel said with much pride.
Martin looked slightly disgusted, “Oh… I see… and, what is going on at the moment?”
“Me and Michaedeer, my friend here, accidentally took down one of his pillars of videotapes, and now the whole castle is coming down!”
Martin suddenly realised the situation, my sources say he then soiled himself, but no one can be sure. “You need to get me out of here then!” he shouted at Joel.
“I will! Where is the key?” Joel asked.
“Key? Oh no… the guard had it!” Martin shouted back, panic in his voice now.
“Michaedeer! Ram him out of there!” Little Bozling said.
“I can’t just ram anything! And I’m certainly ramming no iron bars!” she replied back.
In all the panic, no one had seen that the giant narcoleptic man, who spoke like a gorilla had awoken. He started to stand up slowly behind Martin. Joel’s face went white.
“LOOK OUT!” he cried. But it was too late. The giant picked up Martin and threw him into the cell door. It burst open with all the force, flinging Martin to the floor next to Little Bozling.
“Hello! It’s nice to meet you!” said Little Bozling, holding out his hand for Martin to shake it.
“I don’t think now is the time my boy!” shouted Martin, getting to his feet.
The giant started to charge at Martin through the now open dungeon door. “OO OO EE AH OOO!” it cried out like a gorilla.
It was Martin’s time to shine now though. Time to bust out some of the awesome Kuk Sool Won moves that he had been trying to teach Joel, but was unfortunately unsuccessful in doing so.
As the giant reached him, Martin ducked under its arm. He held his stance like a praying mantis, and tapped various pressure points all over the huge man’s back. It stopped dead in its tracks.
“What did he do?” Michaedeer asked, looking puzzled.
Suddenly, the giant’s head exploded. Literally. Like someone had put a small explosive into a watermelon. Chunks of flesh, brain and skull covered Little Bozling. He cried out in disgust.
“My god! That was disgusting!” the small elf cried out, “How did you do that?”
Martin looked at him, wiping some chunks off his own face, “I’m not entirely sure to be honest, little elf, I was trying to make him go back to sleep. It obviously went… pretty wrong…”
They all heard another huge crash. In all the excitement, they had forgotten that the castle was coming down, with them in it!
“Let’s go!” Martin cried, now leading the way. All four of them ran down the corridor. Dead guards lay everywhere, covered in masses of video tapes, crushed to death. The castle was in its final moments now. Joel looked back one last time, again.
The castle was now in full crumble. A land slide of video tapes and old rock began to pour like an avalanche towards them; the exit was so near now. They all pushed themselves as hard as they could. They had to make it. Suddenly, the light of the exit was blocked out. A huge chunk of stone had fallen down in front of them and jammed them in.
What could they do? Ahead of them it was blocked, behind them moving fast, was an avalanche of video tapes.
“This is it!” Michaedeer cried out, waiting for the end.
“NOT TODAY!” screamed Martin. He ripped off his Jedi cloak once again to reveal his impeccable abs. He ran forward screaming like a mad man and grasped the huge lump of stone. With all his might, he began to shift it. His guns were bursting. The others tried not to stare in amazement. Before they realised it, the mega lump of stone was over his head, he had completely lifted it above him.
“GO NOW!” he cried out. They all did as he said. They ran underneath the mass of stone in Martin’s hands and through the exit out into the fresh air.
Joel looked back, “Come on Martin!”
But it was too late. Joel watched in horror as the video tapes crushed his former master. The huge lump of rock that he was holding fell down, reblocking the way in. With one huge final explosion, the castle caved in on itself, and there was silence.
The three sat on the floor, panting, unable to believe what had just happened. Was Martin really… gone?
All that could be heard now was the faint wind blowing through their hair.
A tumble weed then rolled past.

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