After about an hour of uncontrollable sobbing between the both of them, Michaedeer and Little Bozling had decided to set off to the castle. No matter what pain they were in. Little Bozling couldn’t think about the terrible pain in his backside, he had to find Joel. Michaedeer needed to stop worrying about her now single ear; she had to find Joel to get some wine. Wine would help. She was sure of it.
The castle was a fair walk ahead of them, it would take a while. Walking across the barren wastelands of Blessed-Topia can be extremely boring at times, and so naturally, the two very different creatures began to talk to each other. This is where new problems arose.
“So you think we’ll be there soon?” Little Bozling asked.
“I don’t know… we’ll just have to wait and see…” Michaedeer replied.
Little Bozling looked at her, “I know that… but how long do you think it will take?”
“Like I said… I don’t know…” Michaedeer said back to him.
“I know… but if you could guess…” Little Bozling said.
“I DON’T KNOW!” Michaedeer shouted at him. “WE’LL JUST CARRY ON AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!”
Little Bozling began to cry. A poor little elf like him wasn’t used to being shouted at by a half-drunk reindeer. Michaedeer did seem to have some anger issues, and often lashed out violently at people for no reason whatsoever. My guess is that once again, it is all linked to the alcohol. Tragic really.
Michaedeer looked down at the crying elf, “I’m sorry…” she said, “You just kept asking the same stuff again and again and again…”
“Can I have a ride?” Little Bozling grinned at her suddenly. It was now clear to her that those previous tears were fake, just put on to make her feel bad. Just like a baby does. She knew his tricks now…
“NO! You can’t have a ride! Come on! Let’s go!” she shouted back at him.
The two continued walking, once again in silence. The situation was feeling quite awkward for both of them. If felt bad to just walk in silence, but then again every time they spoke to each other it seemed to end up in some kind of bizarre argument. I suppose these are the kind of situations one may expect when putting a drunken girl-reindeer and a tiny elf in the same situation together.
“Soooo….” Little Bozling said, annoyingly. Michaedeer did not reply. “What kind of things you into?”
“Wine,” Michaedeer answered in a single word.
“Really? Nothing else at all? No TV? Games?” Little Bozling asked.
“What are TV? And games?” she questioned back to him.
Little Bozling stopped in his tracks, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TV IS?”
“Should I?”
Michaedeer immediately regretted the decision to enquire any more about this TV thing that Little Bozling seemed to love so much. He went on about it for ages. It seemed like he would never stop. It didn’t sound too great to her, watching moving images out of a box. She’d much rather sit in a cave getting sloshed all night by herself. She began to drool thinking about it.
“…and that’s why I love Red Alert so much!” Little Bozling finished.
Michaedeer interrupted him before he could carry on. “Right, that’s great. Look… we’re nearly there!”
Sure enough they were, Castle W02 was just ahead of them. They hadn’t ever put a thought about how to get in though. Guards patrolled everywhere. The gates were closed, and looked very heavy to open. The two of them looked at one another.
“What do we do?” Michaedeer said, panic in her voice.
Little Bozling thought for a little while then smiled. “I think I have an idea…” he said calmly.
Next to the gate, a single guard was waiting. His name was Barry. He had two kids and a loving wife. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ping pong and reading romantic novels. No reason to tell you this, just wanted to really. He was on watch duty today. This meant he had to stand next to the gate for an extended period of time, in the freezing cold, not letting certain people in that were not welcome in Castle W02. He didn’t really enjoy the job that much, but it paid well, and he did have a mortgage to pay off. So he waited.
This certain day had been a strange one. He had been standing there already for a while when he watched another guard, an unpleasant man called James pull a half naked boy into the castle by his hair. Most bizarre. But if Barry had learned one thing, it was to not ask questions on this job. Blessed-Topia was a very strange place that he didn’t fully understand.
Just when he thought his day could not get any weirder, a strange… thing… walked up. It was quite tall, about 9 feet he would say. Wrapped around… it… was a long flowing black cloak.
“I seek passage into the castle…” the thing said.
He looked at it up and down. So bizarre. It had feet of… what seemed like a reindeer. The body was then very lumpy, all the way up to its head, which looked like some kind of tiny elf. Very, very strange. Still… he had a job to do. No need to question this person’s obvious severe disability.
“What business have you in Castle W02?” Barry asked the thing.
“We… erm… I mean, I, seek a council with the great King… to request food for the starving children…” it said back to him.
There were many strange parts of this sentence that confused Barry. It said “we”… not “I” first. And what starving children? Poor Barry was not the smartest fish in the sea, but even he could see that something was afoot here…
“I’d like to see some identification please?” Barry asked.
“Identification?” the thing said. “Do we have any ID?” it then whispered. “No! I forgot it!” the thing’s crotch then said.
Barry gasped. There was something wrong here.
“Okay sir, no offence to you… but I cannot allow you inside…” Barry whimpered, scared that the thing looked so… odd.
“NOW!” Michaedeer cried.
Barry watched in horror as the thing in front of him jumped into two parts. The top part was a tiny, tiny elf. The bottom half was, what looked like a rabid reindeer. It was horrible. The most horrible thing Barry had ever seen. And he had watched 10,000 BC!
Michaedeer rammed the guard with the antlers. He was crushed against the wall and knocked unconscious. All the noise alerted some more nearby guards.
“SOUND THE ALARM!” one of them cried out. Soon after that a loud bell rang out across the castle. They had no time to waste.
Little Bozling pulled the lever next to him and the door began to creak open. Michaedeer grabbed the elf with her teeth and threw him on her back. She galloped. She ran as hard as she could throughout the whole castle. She followed the red line on the floor that supposedly lead to the “Dungeons”. That must have been where Joel was being kept. Many, many guards were on her tail now. They ran at her with swords, but she was too fast for them. She burst into the dungeon. All she could see was a huge man that looked a little like a bald gorilla.
“JOEL? JOEL?” she cried out in desperation.
A man then rose out from the darkness, he looked like a Jedi. “He’s in the throne room. Single combat. HURRY!” he yelled at them.
Michaedeer didn’t have time to ask questions, she was running on impulses now. She backtracked, and started following the white line that lead to the “Throne Room”. Unfortunately she met the guards on the way.
“Here we go!” she shouted. Little Bozling screamed like a girl. She leapt. She managed to jump clean over all the guards and land on the other side. They both smiled.
Michaedeer burst into the throne room. Ahead of her was Joel, surrounded completely by guards. To the right of him was what looked like the remains of the King, pinned to a pillar of video tapes.
“JOEL!” Little Bozling cried out.
Michaedeer tried to stop. But she couldn’t. There was blood on the floor making her hooves slippery. She started to slide. She then hit the carcass of the former king. There was a huge crash. The video tape pillar then began to crack.
“OH MY GOD!” screamed one of the guards, “IT’S COMING DOWN!”

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