Michaedeer stopped at a large wooden door ahead of her.
“This is the one…” she said to herself, excitedly.
The other two caught up, “STOP!” yelled Joel. She looked at him, puzzled.
“Don’t do it Michaedeer…” said Little Bozling, panting for breath, “You don’t need the wine… you know you don’t!”
Michaedeer didn’t say anything to either of them. She simply turned back to the door and opened it with her antlers. The door creaked opened. It was very loud, scaring Little Bozling slightly. Then the small came out. The strongest smell of wine Joel had ever experienced. It actually caused him to gag.
“MY GOD!” screamed Michaedeer, “IT’S FANTASTIC!”
Before they could even say anything else, she had entered the Cavern. The others had no choice but to follow her. The cavern was very dark, and dripping.
“This place… it’s so… damp…” mumbled Little Bozling.
Joel held out his hand, something dripped onto it. Joel squinted at the drop to see what it was. It was red… kind of purple as well. It was red wine. Dripping from the ceiling. Michaedeer held out her tongue to catch it.
“THIS IS THE BEST PLACE EVER!” she shouted in joy, starting to run.
“Michaedeer! Stop!” Joel said, running after her with Little Bozling beside him.
They carried on running down the slimy, wine stained stairs. They eventually all reached the bottom. They ran straight into a river. Joel didn’t even had to look to see what the river might be. When he looked at Michaedeer, she was rolling in it, getting her nice brown fur coat all stained.
“Why do the elves have so much wine?” Joel asked.
Little Bozling looked at him; “Wine is festive. We elves love everything festive. You can never have enough in our opinion. We were created to mass produce everything… so our elf elders built this cavern…”
“THANK YOU ELF ELDERS!” Michaedeer cried out, sipping on her own fur by this point.
“…Legends tell…” Little Bozling continued, “Of the rarest wine in all the land being stored here, it is said to be cursed…”
Michaedeer quickly turned and looked at him. She was so excited that she could only mutter words, “WINE! RARE! LAND! HERE! IN! THE!”
Joel and Little Bozling looked at her, slightly repulsed by this new her already.
“We need to go get it!” she broke into a gallop again. As Joel and Little Bozling chased her, the Cavern of Wine started to widen. At that moment, they had been going along a dark tunnel, nothing too exciting. However, the next room was something else entirely…
It was the biggest wine warehouse Joel had ever seen.
“It looks like that warehouse out of Indiana Jones…” he said to himself.
“In my Dad’s what?” Little Bozling asked in horror, mishearing Joel’s remark.
They had no time to explain each other there though; they had to pick up the pace of chasing Michaedeer. She was charging towards the biggest box of wine she could see. She stopped next to it.
“Remind me what the Elf Prime Minister said again?” asked Michaedeer to them.
Little Bozling sighed, “You can’t take something from here as a gift…”
“So just take one and let’s get out of here…” Joel said.
“Hmm…” Michaedeer hummed, looking at all the boxes.
“Oh come on!” shouted Little Bozling, “Surely you must be happy with some of these!”
She then looked past the boxes to the left. There was another tunnel in the cave. “What’s down there?” she asked.
“That… that’s the secret wine caver…” Little Bozling said, but he was stopped when Joel kicked him. “OW!” shouted the small elf, “THAT REALLY HURT! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?”
Joel coughed, trying to stay calm.
“WELL?” Little Bozling screamed at Joel.
“For god’s sake!” Joel shouted back at him, “We can’t let her go down that way!”
Little Bozling finally understood. They turned to stop her, but Michaedeer was no longer there. She was in the tunnel, running down it.
“NO!” Joel shouted as they ran after her. The dark tunnel that they entered was just as wet as the last one. Probably more wet in fact. So damp with dripping wine that Joel slipped over. Little Bozling then tripped over Joel and went flying on top of him.
The two lay there, on top of each other. Little Bozling went red faced.
“I do beg my pardon…” the small elf said, giggling, looking slightly gay. This scared Joel quite a lot.
“Get off!” Joel replied, angrily, pushing Little Bozling off. As he stood up, something stirred inside him. He grabbed his stomach in pain.
“What is it?” asked Little Bozling, worried now.
“I’m not sure,” Joel said back to him, still clutching his belly in agony. He then remembered. “Oh my god… is that Anal Dwelling Butt Shrew still inside me?”
“GUYS!” a voice then came from ahead, “I think… I think I’ve found it…”
Found what? Had Michaedeer found the rare wine Little Bozling spoke of? This could be bad… They both ran over to her, Joel trying to block out the pain of the shrew inside him.
They both then gasped. It was the biggest and most amazing cave Joel had ever seen. It truly was the ultimate Cavern of Wine. From the floor to the ceiling it must have been 100 feet high! It looked the size of a football field! Fiery torches were scattered throughout the room. They flickered light round the room which reflected on the damp, wine coated walls. This created a blue glow effect. It didn’t look natural for Joel, but he didn’t care. The whole room was simply amazing.
“There it is!” Michaedeer said excitedly, pointing one of her hooves.
They both looked to the centre of the room. There stood a single stone staircase. It was quite high and it had no banisters or anything.
“How very dangerous…” Joel muttered.
Sure enough, at the top, with a single spot of light beaming down onto it… lay one bottle of wine.
Michaedeer started to run towards it, the others followed. Her loud hooves clapped and clopped up the stone stairs. Little Bozling was hot on her trail. Joel was taking a calmer approach though. He was crawling up the stairs on his hands and knees, very slowly.
“Okay, Joel… okay… you’re okay…”
About half way up, he looked down. Bad idea. He was sick. He was so high, with no barriers to stop him falling.
Michaedeer reached the top, Little Bozling stopped just behind her.
“It’s beautiful…” she said softly, reaching out.
“WAIT! STOP!” the small elf cried out. To his surprise, she did.
“I need it Little Bozling… the ultimate bottle of wine…” she said to him. It looked amazing. The glass was made out of silver and they liquid inside seemed to glow almost.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this one. They say it’s cursed. Please Michaedeer, trust me…”
She looked at him, and then she looked back at the bottle of wine.
“DO AS HE SAYS!” Joel shouted out from half way down the stairs.
“Please Michaedeer, I thought we were friends… don’t do it…” Little Bozling said softly.
Inside her mind, a mad battle was happening. She loved her two new friends. She didn’t want to betray them. She didn’t want to hurt them. But, the alcoholism was taking over. She needed the wine. She craved the wine. She had to have it.
She reached forwards.
“NO!!” Little Bozling cried.
Michaedeer touched the forbidden wine bottle.

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