The huge gate stood in front of them. They all just looked at it though. Joel and Michaedeer were about to walk through it when they had realised Little Bozling had stopped, he looked frozen. Scared stiff.
“What’s wrong Little Bozling?” asked Joel gently, kneeling down next to him.
He got no response though. The tiny elf just scared on looking at the huge gate, shivering.
“Will he please hurry up?” Michaedeer shouted at Joel, “I want some damn wine!”
Little Bozling’s tiny voice then came through for the first time, “I can’t…” he whispered.
Joel leaned in towards him, “Why can’t you?”
“I was banished!” Little Bozling suddenly said, “I may not go back there! I’m too small! They’ll bully me! Who knows what will happen?”
Joel just smiled at him though, this was but another was hiccup on their overall journey. “You’ve got us though this time, come on, we’ll do this together…”
This did seem to boost Little Bozling’s mood a little. He stepped forwards.
“FINALLY!” Michaedeer cried out, she walked forward and rammed open the gate with her horns. “I can’t wait to see the elves…” she said, “I hear it’s amazing in there!”
Little Bozling, slowly walking into the large gate now with Joel at his side simply replied, “I think they’re all a bunch of bullies…”
Joel then finished the conversation awkwardly saying, “Well I don’t like Christmas. I think it’s stupid. I just wanna get past here and get home…”
I think this hurt Little Bozling’s feelings a bit, but he was getting better at controlling his emotions. All of them had walked through the gate now. It was very dark. It almost looked like they had walked into a tunnel. Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut.
“What was that?” Joel said nervously, as he turned around to yet more darkness.
The others didn’t reply though. They carried on walking as Joel followed. Suddenly, they all started to hear sound. It was coming from up ahead.
Michaedeer heard joyous singing, it sounded a bit like the “It’s A Small World” ride at Disneyland.
Little Bozling heard something different, it was clearly distressing him. “STOP IT!” he shouted out.
Joel wasn’t sure what it was though, all he could hear was screaming. It also sounded like burning, and running. What kind of place was this?
Anyone with a brain should know that The Land of Elves is a very special place. Because it is made of pure magic, it can change appearance. Everyone will always view it in a different way. For instance, if a child should enter it, one that loves and believes strongly in Father Christmas… they will be presented with a beautiful Winter Wonderland. If someone that hates Christmas enters… they will see the opposite.
Joel was one of these people, unfortunately for him.
“I see something!” he said to the others. They all walked towards the light, and suddenly came out of the tunnel. Light blinded them at first, but then they all began to focus.
Little Bozling gasped in horror. Dark elves walked round everywhere. They looked quite similar to him, but they had coal black skin. Their eyes were red. They wore leather suits and each had a paddle at their side.
“They all look so… mean…” Little Bozling said. The others however were not listening.
Michaedeer looked around. Bright white snow was underneath her feet, but she felt surprisingly warm. Happy, glowing elves danced all around her. All the houses in the town were made with what looked like gingerbread. Random elves in the street were giving gifts to each other. And a constant beautiful singing filled the air.
“It’s… the most amazing place ever…” she said gently.
Joel turned to her, “Are you crazy or something?” He couldn’t believe she had just said that.
As Joel had focused on the world around him, the first thing he noticed was the smell. The entire place smelled like a sewer. He could also smell burning. When he looked, the village was half burnt. In the distance he could see more houses on fire. The streets had no snow. Cobblestones were underneath him, and they just seemed slimy and horrible.
He couldn’t see an elf anywhere in sight. Instead he could just hear whispers down dark alleys that surrounded this place.
“This place is worse than the last…” he mumbled to himself.
The three of them all walked on, each looking at a different street in front of them.
Little Bozling was being constantly called names, and having things thrown at him by nasty looking elves.
Michaedeer was being given candy canes and lemonade as she passed everyone.
Joel could still see no one, but had a horrible feeling that he was being followed.
“I think you did the best thing getting banished from this place Little Bozling…” said Joel.
Little Bozling turned and nodded, “I agree completely…” said Little Bozling as a small rock hit his head.
At this point, Michaedeer had a small band of elves following her; each was fanning her with a large palm leaf. She was so relaxed whilst walking that she never realised how horrified the other two were with their surroundings.
Joel could start to see what looked like dark and dirty wheely bins all down the left side of the road. Each was overflowing with rubbish. That must be where some of the smell was from. To his horror, he thought he saw something move inside one of these bins, but he didn’t second look it. He didn’t want to. This place was… evil!
Little Bozling had a whole group of elves pushing him around now. There were three of them.
“LOSER! PUNK! TINY!” they all shouted at him.
For an elf as small as Little Bozling, it’s difficult to control the tears sometimes. After being bullied and pushed around so much, he clearly had some emotional damage, and he couldn’t take it anymore!
“JUST SHUT UP!” he screamed at them all.
His loud voice suddenly awoke Michaedeer from her trance. She looked down at him. She was still walking down the perfect street, but Little Bozling looked incredibly sad.
“What on Earth is wrong?” she asked.
The three fan people then walked in front of her. In Little Bozling’s view, the three bullies stopped in front of him blocking his path. In Joel’s, he got quite scared when three horrific looking elves jumped out an alleyway next to him. Each was covered in… what looked like… blood. They were all holding a knife.
“What are you doing my dears?” Michaedeer softly said to the three fanners in front of her.
“Let me go!” Little Bozling shouted at the three bullies in front of him.
“I don’t want any trouble…” Joel murmured at the three menacing elves in front of him, raising his hands up.
Of course, in the real world, there were only ever three elves… they just all saw them in a different light. The three elves were definitely there though. And they all said the same thing to Joel, Little Bozling and Michaedeer.
“Come with us…” so, each of them did.

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