“It’s the Danjamus!” Little Bozling screamed. Every single troop fighting in the battle stopped when the saw it. The mighty creature was too stupid to know who to fight, it would go after everyone.
The huge, fat monster was passing over the hill coming straight towards them. Joel didn’t even look at it though; he kept his eyes fixed on Santa Blessed. She stared straight back at him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Joel exclaimed.
She just cackled back, “What can I say? Death is my thing…”
There was suddenly a huge scream from the outskirts of the war. The Danjamus monster had reached them. Little Bozling watched in horror as the beast swept his arm down. He picked up groups of good elves, celebrities and dark elves and put them all in his mouth. He chewed.
“SAUSSSSSSAGE!” he bellowed out.
What could they do? There was no way they could win. Even with the Danjamus eating celebrities and dark elves too, there were too few good elves left to win the battle.
“Soon all your friends will be dead…” Santa Blessed whispered to Joel, starting to walk towards him.
Martin still stood behind Joel, watching her as well… his hand was on his sword, ready to strike. “Let me kill her Joel…” he pleaded.
Joel just shook his head though, “Go Martin… you are needed elsewhere…”
Martin looked up at the Danjamus coming towards them.
“You tried to put the giant in our cell to sleep…” Joel continued, his focused eyes watching Santa Blessed still.
Martin suddenly remembered. “I know what you mean…” and with that, Joel’s former Kuk Sool Won instructor had left again.
“All alone now?” Santa Blessed teased.
Joel drew his sword and pointed it towards her. Without speaking, he initiated the fight. He swung at her, and she didn’t dodge in time. He caught some of the beard off her face. She wasn’t as fresh today.
“How dare you!” she screamed, suddenly not laughing and very angry. She drew her sword out as well and engaged him.
The two of them battled, their swords clashing together like a hammer hitting metal. Joel was letting his anger over the death of Joelfrakeus guide him, and he wasn’t going to stop… he wasn’t doing too bad.
Meanwhile, Martin was running through the still ongoing battle of elves. He sliced many heads off the dark elves as he passed, but his main goal was ahead. Not before too long he had reached the mighty Danjamus. It towered over him like a skyscraper.
Martin put his sword away and faced it. It looked at him, looking its lips. “You think you’re so tough?” Martin said. He was preparing to chop the creature’s face as it came closer, hoping to knock it out. It didn’t go to plan though.
In the distance, Little Bozling watched in horror as the huge beast bent down and picked Martin up.
“HEY! LET ME GO!” Martin screamed. But it was no good, before he had a chance to realise what was happening, Danjamus had put Martin in his mouth and swallowed.
“NO!” Little Bozling screamed, falling to his knees. This was just a massacre.
Joel and Santa Blessed still fought, he was starting to feel tired now. Their swords still hit in mid air, he was able to dodge and reflect every blow she gave to him, but he was running out of breath. He wasn’t being beaten as badly as he had been the week before, but he didn’t know how long he could keep going like this for. She didn’t seem to be tiring at all.
The two swords hit, quite close to Joel’s body. With a forceful push, Santa Blessed brought both blades to his throat and help them there.
“Get out of my land…” she said, not laughing anymore.
Joel kicked her in the stomach though and she fell back. He walked forward ready to strike, but it was no good. She had rolled backwards and sprung up again, ready for more.
Little Bozling looked around the battlefield. Good elves fought hard against the dark elves, and were starting to win, but celebrities kept ambushing them in packs and taking them down. The mighty Danjamus still towered over everyone, picking up groups at a time and eating them. The battle would be over soon… for everyone…
Suddenly he heard a horn over the hill that the celebrities had come from. Oh no… what could it be now? Surely she didn’t have any more reinforcements coming? She beat them, yet she wouldn’t stop. Little Bozling saw shapes beginning to appear over the horizon. Who was it? He then realised the creature at the front of them.
“MICHAEDEER!” Little Bozling cried in joy.
It was indeed their friend that they had assumed dead. She looked good, though her fur had been died a purpley red colour, probably from the wine. Behind her was a huge army of half reindeer, half humans. They had come to help.
“CHARGE!” he heard Michaedeer scream. The reindeer all began to charge towards the battle. It was at this point that Little Bozling realised the reindeer army was not alone. Creatures from all over Blessed-Topia were charging too. Creatures that had all been banished to the Wastelands by Santa Blessed.
He saw posh mongoose troops, panda chavs, black baboon people, rat mice, walking sharks. There were half eagle, half Velociraptor birds in the air. There were hundreds of species of creatures. The army was massive. And, to Little Bozling’s huge surprise, he began to see elves in the army too. Banished elves, just like him. And all of them were charging to the battle as well.
Santa Blessed or Joel had not seen this, because their fight was becoming increasingly intense.
Little Bozling ran towards the direction of the charge, trying to see Michaedeer again.
They still charged down the hill, by this point the dark elves and celebrities had heard the screaming and turned. They were trapped. Thousands of creatures and elves suddenly hit them. The force was astronomical. The first wave of reindeer just ran most of the dark elves down, leaving the creatures and elves behind them to finish everyone off.
The Eagle Velociraptor’s swooped down and picked up celebrities, they then chewed their heads off and dropped the dead bodies to the ground below. The posh mongoose battalion went around hitting people with their canes while the panda chavs started to stab the various celebrities with small knifes hidden in their fur.
Joel and Santa Blessed were still both fighting hard. Both smashed at each other, their fight getting much dirtier now. They were trying to chop off limbs rather than just killing. She swiped and hit his chest. His coat dropped off him. That was close. He retaliated with a hard blow to her, but she just deflected it and punched him in the face, knocking him backwards.
Little Bozling burst through the crowd, ahead of him was Michaedeer, who was currently stomping on Harrison Fords face.
“THAT’S FOR INDIANA JONES 4!” she screamed out.
She then saw Little Bozling; the small elf stared back at her. A perfect moment occurred between them as they saw each other again.
“LITTLE BOZLING!” she cried out, running towards him.
“MICHAEDEER!” he shouted back, running at her too.
His huge grin suddenly turned to horror though. “LOOK OUT!” he screamed. He jumped past her and catapulted himself at the celebrity about to kill her. It was Dick Van Dyke. Little Bozling tried to take him out, but it was too late.
Michaedeer watched in terror as a blade penetrated straight through the small elf’s chest. He coughed. Blood spat out everywhere. He dropped to his knees.
“Gooood…” Dick Van Dyke, brandishing the blade that had got the elf.
Michaedeer jumped over Little Bozling and smashed Dick Van Dyke in the face with her antlers. She then ripped his stomach out with her sharp horns and threw his intestines everywhere. She was quite sure that he was dead.
She then turned and ran back over to Little Bozling. He was on the floor, bleeding heavily from the wound in his chest. What could she do?
“You saved me… Stay with me Little Bozling…” she said quietly, but his eyes were starting to close. This couldn’t be the end. He was still coughing heavily.
Joel had, of course, no idea about what just occurred. He was beginning to lose the fight again Santa Blessed. He was too tired, and she was just relentless. What could he do against a foe like that?
Around them, the main battle was beginning to fade. The charging creatures and elves had taken out most of the celebrities and dark elves. There were a few left, but no trouble really. The main problem was the huge Danjamus still roaming the ground.
Michaedeer rested Little Bozling’s face on her fur. His eyes started to flicker.
“You can’t go!” she shouted, trying to keep him awake.
The small elf couldn’t say anything though. She did however watch as his eyes widened, there was something behind them. It was Danjamus.
“FOOOOOD!” he bellowed, reaching down.
Michaedeer didn’t move though, she had to stay with Little Bozling. This was the end for them. The unexpected then occurred. The Danjamus stood back up again. It looked around confused. It scratched at himself. It started to rub its tummy. What was happening?
BOOM! The Danjamus literally exploded. Parts of him went everywhere, splattering the battlefield. Martin dropped out and fell to the floor. He was covered in goo and blood. He landed next to Michaedeer.
“What the hell just happened?” she screamed.
“He swallowed me whole…” Martin said, “I just tried my sleep move inside him… and like last time, it went wrong. My guess is the pressure points burst, making the whole beast explode.” He grinned to himself, clearly pleased. Suddenly he noticed Little Bozling, he got his knees. “What happened?”
“He saved me from Dick Van Dyke…” Michaedeer said slowly, “But he was hit… can you save him?”
Martin shook his head. He then looked up; most of the battle had gone now. Ahead he could see Joel and Santa Blessed fighting. He wasn’t doing well.
Santa Blessed was repeatedly punching Joel in the face. He spun around 180 due to the force. She then kicked the back of his leg, knocking him to the floor. He knelt down away from her. His butt poking in the air.
“It’s time…” she said. Joel waited for the blow. He had lost. He had failed. Then the strangest thing occurred. Something in Joel’s trousers started to move.
“What the hell is that?” Santa Blessed said, looking closer.
Joel’s trousers then ripped. The Anal Dwelling Butt Shrew jumped out of Joel’s bum. The small creature pounced straight onto the evil leader’s face. It scratched and bit her.
“OH MY GOD! GET IT OFF!” Santa Blessed screamed.
In almost a trance like state, Joel picked his sword up… he spun quickly and dove forward. His sword plunged straight into Santa Blessed’s chest. She screamed out in pain.
“NOOOOO!” she cried. The Anal Dwelling Butt Shrew jumped onto the ground and ran off, looking for another anus to dwell in. Joel never saw it again. He walked over to the dying foe.
“Look around…” Joel said to her quietly, “Do you see your troops?”
For the first time, Santa Blessed glanced away. Her dark elf army was lying dead all around. Celebrities were being piled up and burned by the banished elf army. She had lost.
“But…” she whimpered.
Joel grinned and pulled his sword out of her chest. She gasped for air, clearly in an immense amount of pain.
“...Goodbye…” he said gently, and then thrust the sword into her hairy mouth. The mouth that had given him that haunting kiss. Santa Blessed dropped to the floor. Dead. Joel slumped next to her, panting and exhausted. He had done it. He then heard something in the distance.
“JOEL! JOEL!” Michaedeer called out. He looked back and saw her. Wasn’t she dead? Who was that next to her and Martin?
Joel slowly stood up and walked over. It was then that he saw Little Bozling next to her. He didn’t have much time left. He picked the small elf up from the ground and held him in his arms.
“Little Bozling?” Joel said gently.
His small friend looked up at him, “Did we win Joel?”
Joel was trying not to cry, “…We did… She is gone, along with her dark army…”
Little Bozling tried to smile, “That’s good… a good last memory…”
“This won’t be your last memory!” Michaedeer cried out at him. Little Bozling placed his hand on her antlers.
“I’ll miss you too…” he gently said.
Joel didn’t know what to say. There was nothing any of them could do. The wound was fatal. Little Bozling continued to cough. His eyes were getting dark.
“Thank you for being my friends…” the small elf said.
Slowly, his eyes fully closed, and he was gone.

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