Joel landed back in the snow with a bump. Michaedeer and Little Bozling dropped just next to him. They all looked back as the mighty Danjamus stomped off; not realising what had just come out of his anus. They were free. They had done it…
“Where are we?” Joel asked them both, wiping blood and anal juice from his face.
Little Bozling sighed, “Still in the wastelands I think…”
“Wait!” Michaedeer suddenly cried, “What’s that over there?”
They all looked over, and to their surprise, they saw a light shining through the snowy air. What was it? Surely it wasn’t any kind of civilisation?
“Let’s go…” Joel said as he walked towards it. He was no longer feeling much fear, after all what could be worse than being eaten by a giant creature then jumping out its anus. Joel’s question was soon answered though.
The light turned out to be a bonfire. Next to the bonfire were two tents. It looked like some sort of miniature camp.
“What is this place?” Michaedeer asked, looked truly perplexed.
Hearing voices, one of the tents started to rustle. A boy’s head poked out. He looked about Joel’s age, but with much shorter black hair.
“What do you want?” the guy said in the tent.
Shocked, Joel didn’t know what to say at first, “We’re… umm… well, I’m Joel… this is Michaedeer and Little Bozling… we seek to know the way to Santa Blessed…”
The boy just looked at him. Then smiled. He finally exited the tent. He was quite tall, and thin. He shouted out to the other tent, “EMMA! We got some travellers!”
The second tent rustled, this time a girl’s head poked out. “Good…” she said. Her hair was brown and curly. They were a very odd hair, extremely different but both creepy in the same way.
“Cup of tea, my dears?” the woman said.
“Now, now… let’s not get ahead of ourselves…” the guy said, “Let’s introduce ourselves!”
“Good idea,” she said to him, “My name is Emma…”
“And I’m Mike!” he said back, “We live here in the Wastelands.
Little Bozling looked at them both up and down; clearly unsure… he had been having a fairly bad day, so this was understandable. “And why were you banished to the Wastelands?”
The two campers looked at each other, Emma then spoke up. “Like I said my dears… would you like a bit of tea?”
Joel looked at Little Bozling, who shook his head in disagreement. “No thank you… I think we’ll be on our way…”
“Well!” Emma shouted, clearly getting a little distressed, “At least hear a bit of music?”
“I don’t see what the harm in that could be!” Michaedeer said to them, sitting down on the floor.
The strange girl walked into her tent, she then returned with what looked like a small guitar.
“What is that?” asked Joel.
“It’s my banjo…” she replied to him, smiling.
It looked dodgy. Made out of rotting wood and the weird thing were the strings… they looked like… flesh.
“Its custom made,” Mike said, advertising his camp mate… “She used custom banjo strings to create it… have a listen!”
What could go wrong with listening to music they all thought, sitting down? What they didn’t see was Mike walking into his tent, holding his hands over his ears. Emma began to play. Now here’s where it went wrong…
Turns out these two were banished for simply being too odd to be on Planet Earth. Emma did indeed make this banjo herself using custom strings… from previous boyfriends. Problem is… Mike turned the banjo magic. When they played it, it sent the listener into a trance. It was like a love spell. They instantly fall in love with whomever they see first. This proved useful for fantastic pranks, often making two best friends make love in front of her eyes.
Mike would then use his video camera that he had snuck from the real world and record this, to watch back at a later date. All in all, a pretty sick pair.
As Emma played, the three did not realise they had fallen into the trance… until she stopped playing.
“That was lovely!” said Little Bozling. He smiled up at Joel. Joel smiled back at him.
“It was lovely…” Joel replied, “Just like your hair…”
Joel began to run his fingers through the small elf’s blonde hair. Little Bozling was intoxicated with the feeling of Joel’s smooth skin on his. Goosebumps rose all over his arms with the sensation. It was fantastic.
Michaedeer however was looking straight at Emma. The camp girl hadn’t thought about this… no one had ever looked at her before… often they came in pairs. She hadn’t thought this through.
“The first time I ever saw you…” Little Bozling whispered to Joel, “I knew you were the one…”
Joel beamed back at him, Little Bozling running his tiny hands down Joel’s leg. “First time I saw you…” Joel replied to him, “I knew you were small… but I knew you would be smooth… and I like smooth things… like pebbles! You are my pebble Little Bozling!”
Little Bozling grinned, “That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me…” He stood up and leaned in to Joel.
Michaedeer stood up, still looking at Emma. She began to walk over.
Emma spoke nervously, unsure about what happens when a reindeer girl is madly in love with you, “Okay… let’s leave it there for today… be on your way…”
Michaedeer ignored this though and walked straight up to Emma’s face, “Sssh sssh sssh!” she said gently.
At this point, unaware of what was happening and assuming everything had gone to plan, Mike walked out the tent holding the video camera, ready to get some footage. What he saw was very odd though.
Little Bozling and Joel were fully making out, stroking each other. This was expected. But Emma has running off into the distance, what was that about? He then noticed Michaedeer was walking towards him slowly.
“Can I help you?” Mike said, nervously.
It was no good though. Michaedeer pounced. Mike then discovered what a reindeer girl madly in love will do to you. She mated with him. Quite violently. She forced her antlers up his bum. She mounted him. By the end of their session, he was quite dead. Completely crushed. Tragic really.
As for Little Bozling and Joel, no one was there to stop them. All I know is that they did get further. I don’t like to talk about what truly happened, all I can tell you is that everyone woke up slightly sore in the morning, and decided not to talk about what had just happened.
Not talking to each other, they all walked off. Little Bozling was limping slightly. Joel had a nasty rash. And Michaedeer couldn’t get the taste of aniseed out her mouth. How odd. Probably best not to ask though…

(Sorry for the slight delay with this chapter, but it was my brother's birthday party, therefore I've been busy all day... but hopefully the next chapter should be finished ready to be posted tomorrow afternoon!)
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